twtxt is a decentralised, minimalist microblogging service for hackers.
So you want to get some thoughts out on the internet in a convenient and slick way while also following the gibberish of others? Instead of signing up at a closed and/or regulated microblogging platform, getting your status updates out with twtxt is as easy as putting them in a publicly accessible text file. The URL pointing to this file is your identity, your account. twtxt then tracks these text files, like a feedreader, and builds your unique timeline out of them, depending on which files you track. The format is simple, human readable, and integrates well with UNIX command line utilities.
tl;dr: twtxt is a CLI tool, as well as a format specification for self-hosted flat file based microblogging.
- A beautiful command-line interface thanks to click.
- Asynchronous HTTP requests thanks to asyncio/aiohttp and Python 3.
- Integrates well with existing tools (scp, cut, echo, date, etc.) and your shell.
- Don’t like the official client? Tweet using
echo -e "`date +%FT%T%:z`\tHello world!" >> twtxt.txt
Check out the full documentation at:
- twtxt IRC channel: #twtxt on
- A curated list of active twtxt users by mdom:
- A web-based directory of twtxt users by reednj:
- A web-based twtxt feed hoster for the masses by plomlompom:
- A twtxt-to-atom converter in sh by erlehmann:
- A twitter-to-twtxt converter in node.js by DracoBlue:
- A port to node.js / npm by Melvin Carvalho:
- A patched version of TweetNest, which serves TweetNest archives in twtxt format, by texttheater:
- A twtxt registry api by DracoBlue:
- A twtxt client written in perl by mdom:
- A twtxt client with minimal dependencies by mdom:
- A twtxt client written in C by dertuxmalwieder:
- A self-hosted twitter to twtxt gateway by trqx:
- A read-only timeline of the last 3000 tweets via gopher by trqx: gopher://
- A bot for using twtxt over xmpp by mdosch:
twtxt is released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.