purse is a persistence-layer Go package for loading and embedding SQL file contents into Go programs.
Requires Go v1.6+
Disclaimer: purse is not a query builder or ORM package, but rather a package and tool used to load and embed SQL files.
Writing SQL statements using Go strings can quickly become cumbersome and hard to maintain; lacking helpful formatting, syntax highlighting and availability of DBMS-specific tooling such as SQL editors and query planners.
Alternate solutions such as query builders and ORMs are non-portable and require learning additional (often non-idiomatic) Go syntax.
The solution is simple: keep your SQL inside of SQL files.
First, simply get the package with go get
$ go get -u github.com/smotes/purse
You can then import it into your Go source file(s):
import (
This example assumes there exists a file query_all.sql
in the ./sql
SELECT id, slug, title, created, markdown, html
FROM post
Load the ./sql
directory using purse.New()
to have access to the file's contents.
// Load all SQL files from specified directory into a map
ps, err := purse.New(filepath.Join(".", "sql"))
// Get a file's contents
contents, ok := ps.Get("query_all.sql")
if !ok {
fmt.Println("SQL file not loaded")
// Open the database handler
db, err := sql.Open("postgres", "...")
// Query directly via the database handler
rows, err := db.Query(contents)
// Prepare statements via the database handler
stmt, err := db.Prepare(contents)
Note: purse only loads files with the .sql
extension. All other file types in the loaded directory will be ignored.
is also a command line tool to automate the creation of a Purse implementation given a specified
directory of SQL files. Given the directory of SQL files and the directory of the output file,
will create a Go source file (named out.go
by default) which contains an implementation and
instantiation (bound to variable gen by default) of a Purse interface driven by a map[string]string
literal representing the SQL directory's files' contents.
If the output directory is set to be outside of the CWD (anything besides "./"), the generated files will be split to accommodate cases when the purse command is called multiple times within the same project.
Note: The purse package is meant to be used during development where SQL files are changing often
and need to be reloaded into memory on each program execution. Contrastingly, the purse
is meant to be used in production environments where the SQL files' contents can be embedded
directly into the compiled binary, easing deployment.
To install the tool, use go install:
$ go get -u github.com/smotes/purse/cmd/purse
The command syntax is
$ purse -in="input/dir" -out="output/dir" [-file="out.go"] [-name="gen"] [-pack="main"]
The input directory and output directory paths must either be absolute or relative to the package using it via go generate, or relative to the current working directory where the the command was executed.
To override the default output source file name (out.go
), provide the optional -file flag.
To override the default variable name (gen
) of the generated Purse, provide the optional -name
To override the $GOPACKAGE
environment variable, provide the optional -pack
This process can be be handled using go generate. Add a comment in one of your go source files, like so:
//go:generate purse -in="./fixtures" -out="."
Then run go generate:
$ go generate
And that's it!
Note: The -pack
flag is not necessary when using go generate, as it sets the environment variable automatically. Refer to the documentation on the go
command for more information.