DXT decompression library written in Go. It supports DXT1, DXT3 and DXT5 decompression to RGBA
go get -u github.com/mauserzjeh/dxt
go test -v
// import the library
import "github.com/mauserzjeh/dxt"
var dxtBytes []byte
var width uint
var height uint
// ...read the DXT encoded data...
// ...and also obtain the width and height of the image...
// decompress DXT1 to RGBA
rgbaBytes, err := dxt.DecodeDXT1(dxtBytes, width, height)
// or
// decompress DXT3 to RGBA
rgbaBytes, err := dxt.DecodeDXT3(dxtBytes, width, height)
// or
// decompress DXT5 to RGBA
rgbaBytes, err := dxt.DecodeDXT5(dxtBytes, width, height)
// check for errors
if err != nil {
// rgbaBytes should hold the decompressed RGBA data if no error happened
// R G B A R G B ...
// ie. []byte{123, 23, 234, 212, 21, 128, 52, ...}