100% static single file CMS/Wiki done purely with client-side Javascript and HTML5.
See http://www.mdwiki.info for more info and documentation.
See https://github.com/Dynalon/mdwiki/releases for readily precompiled releases.
(applies to master branch, stable may differ)
- Install node.js >= 0.10 and npm (if not included)
- Clone the mdwiki repo
- Install deps and build MDwiki (you need automake installed - if you are on Windows check the contents of the Makefile for the list of commands to run them manually):
Find the
in thedist/
folder -
For development, use
grunt devel
To get unminified source code compiled to dist/mdwiki-debug.html
, as well as auto file watching and livereload support. Symlink the development mdwiki file into your webroot for testing.