$ sudo apt install libpcap-dev
$ go get github.com/google/gopacket
$ go build qnana.go
$ ./qnana -h
Usage of ./qnana:
If true, the github.com/google/gopacket/tcpassembly library will
log verbose debugging information (at least one line per packet)
If true, the github.com/google/gopacket/tcpassembly library will
log information regarding its memory use every once in a while.
-f string
Selects which packets will be processed.
-i string
Listen on interface. (default "eth0")
-r string
Read packets from file.
-s int
Snarf bytes of data from each packet. (default 1600)
$ sudo ./qnana -i eth0 2>/dev/null