- I'm very passionate about programming and reverse-engineering other people's code, I have been doing it since high-school
- I enjoy doing CTFs like web application exploitation, steganography related challenges, reverse-engineering etc...
- I like low-level systems and networks programming
- Currently learning networks and cryptography mainly to complement university courses
- I am very active and enjoy going out to exercise to keep my mind fresh
Name | Description |
terrain_generator | Optimized terrain generator/renderer made with Zig, Raylib and OpenGL |
chip-8_zig | Chip-8 emulator made with Zig and OpenGL |
nes_zig | Nes emulator written in Zig and OpenGL |
simple_16bit_LFSR | Modular implementation of a 16-bit Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) |
leaguebot | LeagueBot is a voice-controlled bot for the popular online game, League of Legends. It is designed with modularity in mind, allowing for easy extension and addition of new champions |
gatetool | Raspberry pi focused automatic gate opener. Uses rpitx and Golang for the backend, and provides api endpoints to select from multiple gates that have been setup |
raysarecul | Ray tracer in c++ |
Name | Description |
Type Runner | A typing game made for MINIX 3 using hardware drivers and abstractions in C |
Bomberman Clone | A Bomberman clone made in Java |
EZFile | Transport Layer Protocol and an application layer protocol that uses it to transfer files between two computers. |
Recipe Wizard | Flutter app that facilitates recipe browsing and searching by ingredient with an intuitive and responsive UI |
Schedule Manager | Schedule Manager to edit student's schedules in CSV files written in c++ with algorithms like binary search trees |
Railway Manager | Railway Manager to view data about train lines and deduce best paths based on flow and cost |
Push Fight | Push Fight game implemented in Prolog |