Fynematic is a simple CLI tool that automates the generation of Material Icons for the Fyne toolkit.
The generated icons are compatible with the dark and light themes.
See the example folder for an example application.
go install github.com/lucor/fynematic@latest
Usage: fynematic [options]
-category string
icon category. Allowed categories: [action alert av communication content device editor file hardware home image maps navigation notification places search social toggle] (default "action")
-dir string
output folder (default ".")
-name string
icon name. See https://fonts.google.com/icons for the full list (default "info")
-package string
package to use in header (default "main")
-release string
material icon release tag on GitHub (default "master")
-style string
icon style. Allowed styles: [outlined filled round sharp twotone] (default "outlined")
- Material Icons released under the Apache License 2.0 license