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JobSpy is a simple, yet comprehensive, job scraping library.

Looking to build a data-focused software product? Book a call to work with us.


  • Scrapes job postings from LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor, Google, & ZipRecruiter simultaneously
  • Aggregates the job postings in a dataframe
  • Proxies support to bypass blocking



pip install -U python-jobspy

Python version >= 3.10 required


import csv
from jobspy import scrape_jobs

jobs = scrape_jobs(
    site_name=["indeed", "linkedin", "zip_recruiter", "glassdoor", "google"],
    search_term="software engineer",
    google_search_term="software engineer jobs near San Francisco, CA since yesterday",
    location="San Francisco, CA",
    # linkedin_fetch_description=True # gets more info such as description, direct job url (slower)
    # proxies=["", "", "localhost"],
print(f"Found {len(jobs)} jobs")
jobs.to_csv("jobs.csv", quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC, escapechar="\\", index=False) # to_excel


SITE           TITLE                             COMPANY           CITY          STATE  JOB_TYPE  INTERVAL  MIN_AMOUNT  MAX_AMOUNT  JOB_URL                                            DESCRIPTION
indeed         Software Engineer                 AMERICAN SYSTEMS  Arlington     VA     None      yearly    200000      150000  THIS POSITION COMES WITH A 10K SIGNING BONUS!...
indeed         Senior Software Engineer  Philadelphia  PA     fulltime  yearly    135000      110000  About Us TherapyNotes is the national leader i...
linkedin       Software Engineer - Early Career  Lockheed Martin   Sunnyvale     CA     fulltime  yearly    None        None      Description:By bringing together people that u...
linkedin       Full-Stack Software Engineer      Rain              New York      NY     fulltime  yearly    None        None      Rain’s mission is to create the fastest and ea...
zip_recruiter Software Engineer - New Grad       ZipRecruiter      Santa Monica  CA     fulltime  yearly    130000      150000  We offer a hybrid work environment. Most US-ba...
zip_recruiter Software Developer                 TEKsystems        Phoenix       AZ     fulltime  hourly    65          75  Top Skills' Details• 6 years of Java developme...

Parameters for scrape_jobs()

├── site_name (list|str): 
|    linkedin, zip_recruiter, indeed, glassdoor, google
|    (default is all)
├── search_term (str)
├── google_search_term (str)
|     search term for google jobs. This is the only param for filtering google jobs.
├── location (str)
├── distance (int): 
|    in miles, default 50
├── job_type (str): 
|    fulltime, parttime, internship, contract
├── proxies (list): 
|    in format ['user:pass@host:port', 'localhost']
|    each job board scraper will round robin through the proxies
├── is_remote (bool)
├── results_wanted (int): 
|    number of job results to retrieve for each site specified in 'site_name'
├── easy_apply (bool): 
|    filters for jobs that are hosted on the job board site
├── description_format (str): 
|    markdown, html (Format type of the job descriptions. Default is markdown.)
├── offset (int): 
|    starts the search from an offset (e.g. 25 will start the search from the 25th result)
├── hours_old (int): 
|    filters jobs by the number of hours since the job was posted 
|    (ZipRecruiter and Glassdoor round up to next day.)
├── verbose (int) {0, 1, 2}: 
|    Controls the verbosity of the runtime printouts 
|    (0 prints only errors, 1 is errors+warnings, 2 is all logs. Default is 2.)

├── linkedin_fetch_description (bool): 
|    fetches full description and direct job url for LinkedIn (Increases requests by O(n))
├── linkedin_company_ids (list[int]): 
|    searches for linkedin jobs with specific company ids
├── country_indeed (str): 
|    filters the country on Indeed & Glassdoor (see below for correct spelling)
├── enforce_annual_salary (bool): 
|    converts wages to annual salary
├── ca_cert (str)
|    path to CA Certificate file for proxies
├── Indeed limitations:
|    Only one from this list can be used in a search:
|    - hours_old
|    - job_type & is_remote
|    - easy_apply
└── LinkedIn limitations:
|    Only one from this list can be used in a search:
|    - hours_old
|    - easy_apply

JobPost Schema

├── title
├── company
├── company_url
├── job_url
├── location
│   ├── country
│   ├── city
│   ├── state
├── description
├── job_type: fulltime, parttime, internship, contract
├── job_function
│   ├── interval: yearly, monthly, weekly, daily, hourly
│   ├── min_amount
│   ├── max_amount
│   ├── currency
│   └── salary_source: direct_data, description (parsed from posting)
├── date_posted
├── emails
└── is_remote

Linkedin specific
└── job_level

Linkedin & Indeed specific
└── company_industry

Indeed specific
├── company_country
├── company_addresses
├── company_employees_label
├── company_revenue_label
├── company_description
└── company_logo

Supported Countries for Job Searching


LinkedIn searches globally & uses only the location parameter.


ZipRecruiter searches for jobs in US/Canada & uses only the location parameter.

Indeed / Glassdoor

Indeed & Glassdoor supports most countries, but the country_indeed parameter is required. Additionally, use the location parameter to narrow down the location, e.g. city & state if necessary.

You can specify the following countries when searching on Indeed (use the exact name, * indicates support for Glassdoor):

Argentina Australia* Austria* Bahrain
Belgium* Brazil* Canada* Chile
China Colombia Costa Rica Czech Republic
Denmark Ecuador Egypt Finland
France* Germany* Greece Hong Kong*
Hungary India* Indonesia Ireland*
Israel Italy* Japan Kuwait
Luxembourg Malaysia Mexico* Morocco
Netherlands* New Zealand* Nigeria Norway
Oman Pakistan Panama Peru
Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar
Romania Saudi Arabia Singapore* South Africa
South Korea Spain* Sweden Switzerland*
Taiwan Thailand Turkey Ukraine
United Arab Emirates UK* USA* Uruguay
Venezuela Vietnam*


  • Indeed is the best scraper currently with no rate limiting.
  • All the job board endpoints are capped at around 1000 jobs on a given search.
  • LinkedIn is the most restrictive and usually rate limits around the 10th page with one ip. Proxies are a must basically.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why is Indeed giving unrelated roles?
A: Indeed searches the description too.

  • use - to remove words
  • "" for exact match

Example of a good Indeed query

search_term='"engineering intern" software summer (java OR python OR c++) 2025 -tax -marketing'

This searches the description/title and must include software, summer, 2025, one of the languages, engineering intern exactly, no tax, no marketing.

Q: Received a response code 429?
A: This indicates that you have been blocked by the job board site for sending too many requests. All of the job board sites are aggressive with blocking. We recommend:

  • Wait some time between scrapes (site-dependent).
  • Try using the proxies param to change your IP address.

Q: Encountering issues with your queries?
A: Try reducing the number of results_wanted and/or broadening the filters. If problems persist, submit an issue.


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  • Python 55.3%
  • Jupyter Notebook 44.7%