Releases monitor allows you to monitor version updates of each Github project in which you are interested.
For the next steps, a Linux/MacOs operating system is required. Windows is currently not tested/supported.
- First, install docker:
- Then, install docker compose:
- Clone the repository and change your working directory:
git clone
cd releases-monitor
The application is made up of several container images that are linked together using docker-compose. Before running the application, build the images:
docker-compose build --force-rm
Start the releses-monitor server simply by bringing up the set of containers:
sudo docker-compose up
You can access it on http://localhost:8000 and the admin is on http://localhost:8000/admin
You will need to have the following ports open on your machine for this to work:
- 8000: NGINX serving a Django administrative app
Enter the Web container's command line with the following command:
docker-compose exec web sh
Once inside, create a super user in order to access the monitor/admin interface.
python migrate
python createsuperuser
You may exit the web container shell with:
Enter the Web container's command line with the following command:
docker-compose exec web sh
Once inside, sync releases version with this command:
python syncreleasesversion
You may exit the web container shell with:
Enter the Web container's command line with the following command:
docker-compose exec web sh
Once inside, sync releases version with this command:
python notifyavailableupdates
You may exit the web container shell with:
releses-monitor comes with a default settings file that you can edit directly or using ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES.
Specify the list of allowed hosts to connect to releses-monitor:
ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['', 'localhost']
Specify debug mode:
DEBUG = True
Specify project secret key. You must do it!: