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Walky - A Highly Parallelized TSP Solver (Supports MPI!)

Walky is a highly parallelized solver for the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP). It has the following features

  • Supports Exact Solving, Approximate Solving, and Lower Bound generation
  • Compatible with the canonical TSPLIB-XML format
  • Multiple Approximate Algorithms: Nearest Neighbour, Christofides Algorithm
  • Multiple Lower Bound Algorithms: Minimal Spanning Tree (MST), 1-tree
  • Support for Multithreading and distributed-memory, multi-node parallelism using MPI
  • Well documented, well tested, highly optimized

For a great visual introduction to the topic, the video essay by reducible is highly recommended.

Technical report

Besides the full docstring coverage on, the main technical documentation is a very detailed technical report.

See ./technical-report/final_report.pdf for a deep dive on

  • How the algorithms work, including visualizations
  • The structure of the Rust project
  • Detailed benchmarks, including MPI analysis for cluster usage and much more.


Either use cargo (add --features mpi for MPI)

cargo install walky

Or build from git:

git clone
cd walky
cargo build --release (--features mpi)

For benchmarking, the benchmarking feature can be used.


$ walky --help
A TSP solver written in Rust

Usage: walky <COMMAND>

  exact        Find the exact best solution to a given TSP instance
  approx       Find an approximate solution to a given TSP instance
  lower-bound  Compute a lower bound cost of a TSP instance
  help         Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version

Exact Algorithm

Example invocation (Algorithm v5, multithreaded, example generated)

$ walky exact v5 -p multi-threaded utils/gen_matrix_fast/results/8.xml
Best Cost: 47.85171352981164
Best Permutation: [0, 6, 1, 3, 5, 2, 7, 4]

Full usage:

$ walky exact --help
Find the exact best solution to a given TSP instance

Usage: walky exact [OPTIONS] <ALGORITHM> <INPUT_FILE>

          The Algorithm to use

          Possible values:
          - v0: Testing each possible (n!) solutions
          - v1: Fixating the first Element, so testing ((n-1)!) solutions
          - v2: Recursive Enumeration; Keep the partial sums cached
          - v3: Stop if partial sum is worse than previous best
          - v4: Stop if partial sum + greedy nearest neighbour graph is bigger than current optimum
          - v5: As V5, but use an MST instead of NN-graph as a tighter bound
          - v6: Cache MST distance once computed

          Path to the TSPLIB-XML file

  -p, --parallelism <PARALLELISM>
          Whether to solve it sequential or parallel

          [default: single-threaded]

          Possible values:
          - single-threaded: Run in a single threaded
          - multi-threaded:  Run in multiple threads on a single node

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

  -V, --version
          Print version

Approximate Algorithms

Example invocation (Algorithm christofides, multithreaded, example generated)

$ walky approx christofides -p multi-threaded utils/gen_matrix_fast/results/8.xml
Christofides solution weight: 47.87647721988842

Full usage:

$ walky approx --help
Find an approximate solution to a given TSP instance

Usage: walky approx [OPTIONS] <ALGORITHM> <INPUT_FILE>

          The Algorithm to use

          Possible values:
          - nearest-neighbour: Starting at each vertex, always visiting the lowest possible next vertex
          - christofides:      The Christofides(-Serdyukov) algorithm, with randomized min-cost perfect matching solver

          Path to the TSPLIB-XML file

  -p, --parallelism <PARALLELISM>
          Whether to solve it sequential or parallel
          [default: single-threaded]

          Possible values:
          - single-threaded: Run in a single threaded
          - multi-threaded:  Run in multiple threads on a single node

  -l, --lower-bound <LOWER_BOUND>
          Whether to also compute a lower_bound. Optional

          Possible values:
          - one-tree:  The one tree lower bound
          - mst:       The MST lower bound
          - mst-queue: The MST lower bound, computed with prims algorithm using a priority queue

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

  -V, --version
          Print version

Lower Bound

Example invocation (Algorithm 1-tree, example generated)

$ walky lower-bound one-tree utils/gen_matrix_fast/results/8.xml
1-tree lower bound: 47.13382548327308

Full usage:

$ walky lower-bound --help
Compute a lower bound cost of a TSP instance

Usage: walky lower-bound [OPTIONS] <ALGORITHM> <INPUT_FILE>

          The Algorithm to use

          Possible values:
          - one-tree:  The one tree lower bound
          - mst:       The MST lower bound
          - mst-queue: The MST lower bound, computed with prims algorithm using a priority queue

          Path to the TSPLIB-XML file

  -p, --parallelism <PARALLELISM>
          Whether to solve it sequential or parallel
          [default: single-threaded]

          Possible values:
          - single-threaded: Run in a single threaded
          - multi-threaded:  Run in multiple threads on a single node

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

  -V, --version
          Print version

As a library call

let points = vec![[0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0], [2.0, 3.0]];
let graph = NAMatrix::from_points(&points);
let solution = christofides::<{ computation_mode::PAR_COMPUTATION }>(&graph);


The algorithms can be found in the technical report (which will be uploaded soon)

Test File Generation

Test XML files can be generated using utils/gen_matrix_fast/{gen,gen_big}.sh.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Third Party Dependencies

This project includes the priority-queue crate, which is dual-licensed under LGPLv3 and MPLv2. You can find the source code of that project here: We can include the project in our project since the MPLv2 allows that: