This is a command-line utility to aid with tagging and categorizing Hugo posts. Like Hugo, it is written in Go for speed.
- Batch add and remove tags and categories from the command line.
- Automatically extract metadata from article text using IBM Watson Natural Language Understanding, and either apply it to the source files as is, or interactively select from the identified tags and categories.
- Convert Hugo frontmatter between TOML and YAML formats, including batch conversion. (Hugo can also do this, but I don't find it as convenient.)
IBM Watson functionality requires an IBM Cloud account. You can run this program using an IBM Cloud Lite account, no credit card required.
Because this program can update many files in a single run, it can cause massive damage to your data if you aren't careful.
Please make sure you have a backup of your content files before use. I recommend a Git repository, then you can use
git diff
to check the changes before committing them. As per the license, no warranty is offered.
A bug could eat your latest posting if you don't make a copy of it first.
git clone
cd hugoutil
go build
% hugoutil --untag 'US' --tag 'politics,USA' --uncategorize war --categorize 'Civil War' 04/*.md
See --help
for a description of the supported options.
% hugoutil -i 04/
Updating 04/ (Lincoln assassinated)
0: John Wilkes Booth
1: President Abraham Lincoln
2: US
3: White House
4: Virginia
5: 12 days
6: unrest and war
7: assault
8: government
a: 11th April
b: stage actor John Wilkes Booth
c: President Abraham Lincoln
d: White House
e: Confederate sympathizer
f: April
g: important officials of the US government
h: northern Virginia
i: Booth
j: conspirators
k: assassination
Select categories by number and any number of keywords by letter
> 01k
Uncategorizing/untagging happens before categorizing/tagging. If you remove a tag and add the same tag in a single run, it will end up set.
You can use the tagging and categorization functionality without needing any kind of cloud account and without sending any data to the cloud.
This utility is a not an official IBM product. It's a utility I wrote for my own use, and a demonstration of how you can call IBM Watson using the official IBM Watson Cloud SDK for Go.
If you're interested in deploying Go web applications to IBM Cloud, check out IBM-Cloud/get-started-go.
Copyright © IBM Corporation 2019-2020. Apache License 2.0.