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Dean "Loftwah" Lofts Blog

Welcome to the blog of Dean "Loftwah" Lofts. This project is built with Astro and deployed using GitHub Pages. It features blog posts about tech, beats, and innovation.

🚀 Project Overview

This site is hosted on a custom domain:

Key Features

  • Built with Astro: Lightweight and fast static site generation.
  • MDX Support: Write posts with Markdown and MDX.
  • Sitemap & SEO: Automatically generated sitemap and OpenGraph metadata for SEO.
  • GitHub Pages Deployment: Automated deploys on the main branch using GitHub Actions.
  • Custom Domain: Uses a custom domain (

🧑‍💻 Installation and Setup

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd blog
  2. Install dependencies with Bun:

    bun install
  3. Run the local development server:

    bun run dev
  4. To build the site:

    bun run build
  5. Preview the production build:

    bun run preview

📂 Project Structure

├── public/
│   └── CNAME                   # Custom domain file
├── src/
│   ├── components/             # Reusable components (e.g., Header, Footer)
│   ├── content/                # Blog posts in Markdown/MDX
│   ├── layouts/                # Layouts for pages and posts
│   ├── pages/                  # Main pages (index, blog, about)
│   └── styles/                 # Global CSS
├── astro.config.mjs            # Astro configuration file
├── package.json                # Project dependencies and scripts
├── tsconfig.json               # TypeScript configuration
└── .github/workflows/deploy.yml # GitHub Actions for deployment

⚙️ Configuration

  • Custom Domain: The file public/CNAME contains the custom domain This is used for GitHub Pages deployment.
  • Astro Config: Located in astro.config.mjs, the configuration includes site metadata and integrations like MDX and sitemap.

🚀 Deployment

Deployment is automated using GitHub Actions. Every push to the main branch triggers the build and deploy process:

  1. The site is built using the withastro/action@v3.
  2. The output is pushed to GitHub Pages.

GitHub Actions Workflow

The workflow file is located at .github/workflows/deploy.yml. It handles the entire deployment process to GitHub Pages.

📚 Blog Posts

All blog content is written in Markdown or MDX and located in the src/content/blog/ directory. Each post is a Markdown file with frontmatter for metadata (title, description, date, etc.).


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Feel free to explore the site at