In your deps
levitanong/amo.core {:git/url ""
:deps/root "core"
:sha "bafad5dbb4933024e91009a1dc349747726d850b"}
;; Optionally use a preset subscribe! implementation
levitanong/amo.hooks {:git/url ""
:deps/root "hooks"
:sha "bafad5dbb4933024e91009a1dc349747726d850b"}
Replace the value of :sha with the current hash.
Below is a snippet of heavily commented code that showcases the simplest cases of most of Amo's features.
(require '[amo.core :as amo])
(defmulti read-handler (fn [_ read-key _] read-key))
;; Simplest read-handler.
;; Will attempt to get the value of `read-key` straight from state-map
;; Ignore params for now. It will be explained later.
(defmethod read-handler :default
[{:keys [state]} read-key params]
(get state read-key))
(defmulti mut-handler (fn [_ event _] event))
;; Just increment some field in state.
;; We make it a path instead of a keyword because it's more flexible.
(defmethod mut-handler :inc
[{:keys [state]} _event {:keys [field-path]}]
(update-in state field-path inc))
(defn fake-http
[{:keys [app]} effect-id effect]
(fn [e]
(amo/transact! app [[:merge-foo {:foo 0}]]))
(def app
{:stores {:state (atom {:foo 0})}
:read-handler read-handler
:mutation-handler mut-handler}))