A blazing fast and super small i18n library for Javascript
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Lisan (Turkish: lee ยท sun) is an i18n library.
It provides all essential tooling to have multiple languages in your applications and format numbers, currencies, ordinals & dates based on locale.
Lisan's biggest difference compared to traditional i18n libraries is taking advantage of ES6 Template Literals and using them to generate functions to interpolate strings.
Check out our website to learn more!
- It's blazing fast!
- Framework Agnostic
- Supports JSX Interpolations ๐New!
- Allows you to lazy load your dictionaries.
- Pluralization
- Localization
- Provides a Compiler and a Command Line Tool
- Can be extended with plugins & adapters.
Here you can find some example projects developed by Lisan to quickly get started.
- Hello World (Node) - Purpose of this example to demonstrate a minimal setup to use LisanJS.
- Hello World (Browser) - Purpose of this example to demonstrate a minimal setup to use LisanJS that works on browser.
- Hello World (React) - This example shows how to integrate LisanJS into a ReactJS application.
- Hello World (Next.js) - Here you can learn how to use LisanJS with NextJS to achieve server side rendering.
- Hello World (Next.js + Lisan Loader Plugin) - When using next.js, you can also use lisan-plugin-loader which is also compatible with server side rendering.
More examples are on the way..
Show the world you are using Lisan.
Special thanks to Arif Aydoฤmuล for designing our awesome logo! ๐
Lisan is MIT licensed.