elan is a small tool for managing your installations of the Lean theorem prover. It places lean
and lake
binaries in your PATH
that automatically select and, if necessary, download the Lean version described in your project's lean-toolchain
You can also install, select, run, and uninstall Lean versions manually using the commands of the elan
~/my/package $ cat lean-toolchain
~/my/package $ lake --version
info: downloading component 'lean'
Total: 181.0 MiB Speed: 17.7 MiB/s
info: installing component 'lean'
Lake version 4.1.0-pre (Lean version 4.0.0-nightly-2023-06-27)
~/my/package $ elan show
installed toolchains
nightly (default)
active toolchain
nightly-2023-06-27 (overridden by '/home/me/my/package/lean-toolchain')
Lean (version 4.0.0-nightly-2023-06-27, commit bb8cc08de85f, Release)
Linux/macOS/Cygwin/MSYS2/git bash/...: run the following command in a terminal:
curl https://elan.lean-lang.org/elan-init.sh -sSf | sh
Windows: run the following commands in a terminal (Command Prompt or PowerShell ≥ version 7.4.1):
curl -O --location https://elan.lean-lang.org/elan-init.ps1
powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -f elan-init.ps1
del elan-init.ps1
Alternatively, on any supported platform: Grab the latest release for your platform, unpack it, and run the contained installation program.
The installation will tell you where it will install elan to (~/.elan
by default), and also ask you about editing your shell config to extend PATH
. elan can be uninstalled via elan self uninstall
, which should revert these changes.
The toolchains downloaded by elan require some patching on NixOS, which is done automatically by the version available in Nixpkgs.
$ nix-env -iA nixpkgs.elan
On some systems, lake
will not work out of the box even if installed through elan:
- You'll need git to download dependencies through
elan is basically a fork of rustup. Apart from new features and adaptions to the Lean infrastructure, these are the basic changes to the original code:
- Replaced every mention of
, andrust(c)
- Merged
- Removed options to configure host triple
If you want to build elan from source, you will need to install Rust and Cargo and run the following:
cargo build
The elan-init
installer will show up in target/debug
. This is also the main elan
executable, so can test that it works by running the following:
ln -s ./target/debug/elan-init ./elan
./elan --help
The windows build requires a 64-bit developer command prompt and a Windows version of perl.exe
which you can download
from https://strawberryperl.com/. Make sure this downloaded perl.exe is the first thing
in your PATH so that the build does not try and use C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\perl.exe
. The git provided version of
perl doesn't work for some reason.
Then you can run cargo build
as shown above.