- TensorFlow 2.0 upgrader service
Idea is to make upgrade process to TensorFlow 2.0 of your Jupyter notebooks even easier!
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This project is standing on the shoulders of giants:
- TensorFlow's tf_upgrade_v2 with brand new support of inline jupyter notebook conversion
- nbdime for generating nice diffs for before and after
- Kubernetes + Helm for deploying this tiny service
In order to run locally:
Main part: we need to build a docker image and run with local NBDIME_URL
make build -e
Start nbdime container in a separate terminal
make nbbuild nbrun
Now you can run the docker image with
make run
Thanks to all amazing people, that in one or another way helped this project:
- @DynamicWebPaige for supporting and making TF community awesome
- Daria Korkuna for creating the logo
- Jun Santos for frontend revamp
- Martin Wicke for TF2, cake, and feedback
- Jerry Kurata for testing the early versions of the upgrader
author = {Sergii Khomenko},
title = { TensorFlow 2.0 upgrader service},
howpublished = {\url{}}
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