Docker Utilities for Node Execution
First we must install Docker.
Once you select the Docker Desktop for your operating system the installation process is very straight forward.
They have both .DEB and .RPM packages available. If you can't get these to work for some reason most repos have packages available for the engine and auxillary components.
When finished installing. Check the installation with the command
$ docker --help
This should display the list of commands and features. If it fails with unknown command the installation did not work correctly.
Depending on the distro you are using will determine which python3 package to install.
Distro | Package Name |
Ubuntu | python3 |
RHEL | rh-python36 * (need to use scl enable rh-python36 bash ) |
Centos | python3 |
Arch | python |
To keep from having to install files to the users system, the perferred method of usage is to add this directory to your 'PATH'.
$ echo "PATH=<LocationOfDUNE>:$PATH" >> .bashrc
Pick your preferred terminal application and input the following command:
<PathToDUNE>/DUNE$ ./
You might need to turn on hardware virtualization in the BIOS of your computer. Docker should give an error stating this failure. Because of the variance of motherboards and BIOS implementations we can't give a clear description as to how to turn this on, but a quick google search with your PC make and model should find the information you would need.
You can then start the program Docker Desktop
To install Python3 on Windows is pretty straightforward.
Go to Python3
You should see the link for Python 3.10.4:
To keep from having to install files to the users system, the perferred method of usage is to add this directory to your 'PATH'.
Goto to Start Search and type edit the system
and choose Edit the system enviroment variables
From here you should click on the button marked Environment Variables
From here select the line with Path
and select Edit...
From here add a new line with the location of the downloaded DUNE project:
Pick your preferred command line application and input the following command:
C:\<PathToDUNE>\DUNE$ .\bootstrap.bat
*** M1 Users ***
You will need to do a git checkout arm64
from this repo.
When finished installing. Check the installation with the command.
$ docker --help
Python3 should already be installed.
To keep from having to install files to the users system, the perferred method of usage is to add this directory to your 'PATH'.
$ echo "PATH=<LocationOfDUNE>:$PATH" >> .bashrc
Pick your preferred terminal application and input the following command:
<PathToDUNE>/DUNE$ ./
This will display the available commands and a small description of each and argument values.
This will start a new node for deploying smart contracts and send actions against
This command takes a name of your choosing and an optional config.ini
(look at scripts/config.ini for reference).
This will stop a node that is running. This command takes a name of a node that was previously started.
This will remove a node from the system. This command takes a name of a node that was previously started.
This will print the status of all nodes currently in the system. It will display if the node is active, running, and the ports for http/p2p/SHiP.
Does the same thing as --list
but does not use unicode and other formatting for use with scripts or plugins.
This will set a node as the current active node. This command takes a name of a node that was previously started.
This will return the name of the currently active node.
This will create a snapshot and tar ball the state snapshot, blocklog and index and export to desired location. This command takes a name of a node that was previously started, and a directory to save the exported node contents.
This will import a previously exported node.tgz. This command takes the path of the export and the name of what you want to name the imported node.
This will return information from the currently active node.
This will import a private key into the precreated developer wallet. This command takes a private key.
This will import an exported wallet from a given location. This command takes a path that points to the exported wallet.
This will create a new 'on chain' account.
This command takes an EOSIO
compatible name an optional Creator (also a valid EOSIO
This will produce a new smart contract project that utilizes CMake as its build system. This command takes a project name and a directory.
This will produce a new smart contract project that is bare, i.e. uses only cdt-cpp
This command takes a project name and a directory.
This will build a given cmake app project. This command takes a directory to the project and optional CMake flags.
This will destroy and remove the currently running container. WARNING! This will delete all data that is running. This is useful if you need to update to a new version of DUNE or if you corrupt the container some how.
This will stop the currently running container.
This will start the dune
This will deploy the system contract to an account.
This command takes a valid EOSIO
This will deploy the bios contract to an account.
This command takes a valid EOSIO
This will deploy the token contract to an account.
This command takes a valid EOSIO
This will install the boot contract to eosio
and activate all protocol features.
This will install the boot contract to eosio
and activate all protocol features. It will also create all accounts needed for mandel.contracts
and deploy the system, token and msig contract.
This will send an action to an account.
This command takes an valid EOSIO
account name, a valid EOSIO
action name, the data payload needed and the permission.
This will get table data from the specified table.
This command takes an valid EOSIO
account name, a table scope, and table name.
This will activate a protocol feature. This command takes a code name for the protocol feature.
This will start a simple webapp, like the one in example/webapp
This command takes a directory of the webapp.
The core concept of this utility is to abstract over nodeos
, cleos
, etc.
As such some of the commands might seem restrictive. Please take note that if you find any of the commands to be too
restrictive then you can use the command --
followed by whatever normal cleos
, nodeos
and OS
commands that you need.
When you run any command with DUNE if a container has not been created yet it will automatically create one for you. The command of
shouldn't necessarily be needed during normal operation.
A developer wallet is automatically created for you and is always unlocked and none of the commands will ever ask you to unlock the wallet. If you need to run any cleos
wallet commands or keosd
commands via --
and the wallet is locked, then simply run one of the wallet commands from DUNE first and it will unlock the wallet.
If you deploy a smart contract to an account it will automatically add the code
permission to that account for you.
The drive/directory that your workspace is in is mapped into the container and prefixed with /host
So on Windows this would be /host/Users/<name>/<some path>
On Linux and Mac this would be something like /host/home/<name>/<some path>
Let's start by creating a new project in our workspace.
$ dune --create-cmake-app hello ./
This should produce a file structure like the picture below:
Modify the source code how you like.
Then, let's compile the contract.
$ dune --cmake-build ./
Let's start by create a new bare project in our workspace.
$ dune --create-bare-app hello ./
This should produce a file structure like the picture below:
Modify the source code how you like.
Then, let's compile the contract.
$ dune -- cdt-cpp /host/<path>/hello/hello.cpp -o /host/<path>/hello/hello.wasm
Let's start off by creating some accounts.
$ dune --create-account bucky
$ dune --create-account test
$ dune --create-account areg
From here we can deploy built smart contracts.
$ dune --deploy ./hello bucky
$ dune --deploy ./example/talk/build/talk test
$ dune --deploy ./sudo/build/sudo areg
Let's send some actions to the accounts.
$ dune --send-action bucky hi '[bucky]' bucky@active
$ dune --send-action test post '[1, 0, bucky, "message"]' test
$ dune --send-action areg wrap ...