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Kuid (Kubernetes Identities)


Kuid is a native Kubernetes tool designed for managing infrastructure resources. Leveraging Kubernetes-native architecture and customizable fields, Kuid serves as a cornerstone for automation by facilitating streamlined resource organization and tracking. Notable features include robust IP Address Management (IPAM) capabilities, enabling efficient allocation and oversight of IP resources. Additionally, Kuid offers sophisticated infrastructure management functionalities, empowering users to organize and manage various infrastructure components within a structured hierarchy. With seamless integration into automation workflows, Kuid emerges as a key building block for driving efficiency and scalability in automating your infrastructure

This repo

This repository hosts the source for

How to build and test?

You can biuld and test the pages locally by simply issuing make. If you would like to use a different port than 8000 you can override the PORT variable using make PORT=1313.

Issues and contributions

Report any issues as GitHub issues. We are happy to get contributions as GitHub pull requests.

License and governance

Code in the KUID repositories licensed with Apache License 2.0. At the moment the project is governed by the benevolent dictatorship of @henderiw @steiler @karimra and @hansthienpondt . On the long run we plan to move to a meritocracy based governance model.


OpenSSF Scorecard