This library depends on one of the following disassemblers.
On x86_64 and x86
- diStorm3 (default)
- zydis (when
is passed to thecmake
command) - capstone (when
is passed to thecmake
On arm64
- write documents.
- Add
to support prehook. - Add
to get arguments in prehook.
- Fix build for Windows with raw MSC (#45)
- Fix debug log format warnings by mingw-w64 compiler.
- Experimental support for Windows arm64
- More permissive check for page allocation mmap (#25)
- Flush instruction cache for arm64. It does nothing for intel CPU.
- Disassember engine
- Upgrade capstone to 4.0.2
- Upgrade distorm to 3.5.2
- CMake
- Documentation
- added example usage from python (#22)
- Fix tests on Android (#29)
- Arm64 Linux support. capstone is used as the disassembler library on arm64.
- Options to use zydis and capstone as a disassembler library on x86_64 and x86.
extern "C"
was added in funchook.h for C++. (#15)- Libc-compatible functions were removed to simplify code.
- diStorm3 is used as the disassembler library.
- Libc-compatible functions were implemented on Linux in order not to hook function calls issued by funchook itself.
- Linux x86_64
- Linux x86
- Linux arm64 (since 1.1.0)
- macOS x86_64 (Functions in executables cannot be hooked when Xcode version >= 11.0. (*1))
- Windows x64 (except C-runtime functions under Wine)
- Windows 32-bit
*1 mprotect
fails with EACCES.
Tested on some versions. Not tested in CI.
- Windows arm64 (version 1.1.2)
- macOS arm64 (*1)
- x64/x86 emulation for Windows arm64
*1 I received a mail that mprotect
failed with EINVAL
. This issue may be same with #51 and fixed by this commit.
$ git clone --recursive
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install/directory ../funchook
$ make
$ make install
values are empty(default),Debug
(release build with debug information) andMinSizeRel
. -
isn't set, funchook is installed at/usr/local
.installed files:
(header file)${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib/
(symbolic link
(soname; symbolic link
(shared library)${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib/libfunchook.a
(static library)
Here is an example to compile funchook with Visual Studio 2017 Win64.
Change the argument of -G
to use other compilers.
$ git clone --recursive
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=c:\path\to\install\directory ..\funchook
$ cmake --build . --config Release --target INSTALL
arguments (generators) are listed in the output ofcmake --help
. -
arguments areDebug
. -
isn't set, funchook is installed atc:\Program Files\funchook
.installed files:
(header file)${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}\bin\funchook.dll
(shared library)${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}\bin\funchook.pdb
(debug file forfunchook.dll
(static library)${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}\lib\funchook_dll.lib
(import library forfunchook.dll
static ssize_t (*send_func)(int sockfd, const void *buf, size_t len, int flags);
static ssize_t (*recv_func)(int sockfd, void *buf, size_t len, int flags);
static ssize_t send_hook(int sockfd, const void *buf, size_t len, int flags)
ssize_t rv;
... do your task: logging, etc. ...
rv = send_func(sockfd, buf, len, flags); /* call the original send(). */
... do your task: logging, checking the return value, etc. ...
return rv;
static ssize_t recv_hook(int sockfd, void *buf, size_t len, int flags)
ssize_t rv;
... do your task: logging, etc. ...
rv = recv_func(sockfd, buf, len, flags); /* call the original recv(). */
... do your task: logging, checking received data, etc. ...
return rv;
int install_hooks()
funchook_t *funchook = funchook_create();
int rv;
/* Prepare hooking.
* The return value is used to call the original send function
* in send_hook.
send_func = send;
rv = funchook_prepare(funchook, (void**)&send_func, send_hook);
if (rv != 0) {
/* error */
/* ditto */
recv_func = recv;
rv = funchook_prepare(funchook, (void**)&recv_func, recv_hook);
if (rv != 0) {
/* error */
/* Install hooks.
* The first 5-byte code of send() and recv() are changed respectively.
rv = funchook_install(funchook, 0);
if (rv != 0) {
/* error */
# should work on python 2.7/3 windows/linux
# load funchook
import ctypes
fh_lib = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary('/path/to/funchook/dll/or/so')
# define signatures
funchook_create = fh_lib.funchook_create
funchook_create.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
funchook_create.argtypes = []
funchook_prepare = fh_lib.funchook_prepare
funchook_prepare.restype = ctypes.c_ssize_t
funchook_prepare.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p]
funchook_install = fh_lib.funchook_install
funchook_install.restype = ctypes.c_ssize_t
funchook_install.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int]
PySys_WriteStdout = ctypes.pythonapi.PySys_WriteStdout
PySys_WriteStdout.restype = None
# must keep those references alive, or stuff will be GC'd and weird errors will occur
global orig_write, hook, orig_write_ptr
# create hook (this function will replace the original function)
hook_type = ctypes.PYFUNCTYPE(None, ctypes.c_char_p)
orig_write = None
def hook_impl(msg):
print('about to write: ' + str(msg)) # do what we want
orig_write(msg) # call the original function
hook = hook_type(hook_impl)
fh = funchook_create()
# create a pointer object with the function address
orig_write_ptr = ctypes.c_void_p(ctypes.c_void_p.from_address(ctypes.addressof(PySys_WriteStdout)).value)
# orig_write_ptr.value will get a ptr to the original PySys_WriteStdout and PySys_WriteStdout will now point to the hook
ret = funchook_prepare(fh, ctypes.addressof(orig_write_ptr), hook)
assert not ret, 'ret is ' + str(ret)
ret = funchook_install(fh, 0)
assert not ret, 'ret is ' + str(ret)
orig_write = hook_type.from_address(ctypes.addressof(orig_write_ptr))
PySys_WriteStdout(b'hi there\n')
GPLv2 or later with a GPL linking exception.
You can use funchook in any software. Though funchook is licensed under the GPL, it doesn't affect outside of funchook due to the linking exception. You have no need to open your souce code under the GPL except funchook itself.
If you modify funchook itself and release it, the modifed part must be open under the GPL with or without the linking exception because funchook itself is under the GPL.
diStorm3 and capstone are released under the 3-clause BSD license. zydis is released under the MIT license. They are compatible with the GPL.