EasyRNA Tools
Build date: 15/07/2014
- Hoa Pham (GNT company, Vietnam)
- Son Pham (University of California, San Diego)
EasyRNA - Bio Tool
See INSTALL.md file.
- Linux or MAC OSX (need XQuartz) or Window
- R of version at least 2.
- Python2 of version at least 2.7.
"EasyRNA" is distributed under GNU GPL v2 license, see LICENSE.
It also uses third-party librarires and programs:
- rjson written by Alex Couture-Beil
- ggplot2 written by Hadley Wickham, Winston Chang
- Cairo written by Simon Urbanek, Jeffrey Horner
- RColorBrewer written by Erich Neuwirth
- VennDiagram written by Jonathan Swinton
E-mail your feedback at [email protected] or [email protected].
You also can report bugs or suggest features using issue tracker at GitHub https://github.com/kspham/easyrna/issues