Swift is a module for Kohana, that integrates Swiftmailer.
Just create an instance of the Email class, using its factory method and create a message instance.
class Controller_Welcome extends Controller {
public function action_index()
Email::factory()->send(Email::message('Hello','[email protected]','[email protected]','Hello there!'));
The Email factory method by default loads the configuration for the SwiftMailer's Transport and Mailer classes from a config file's 'default' config group (the name can be configured), but can be customized either by a config group in swift.php config file, or by using a configuration array. Apart from the static factory method, also a static message method acts as a helper method that returns an instance of Swift_Message, in order to set the message's options (the native Swift_Message methods can be used, but the message method accepts also 4 optional parameters: the subject, from, to and body of the email). Additional options can be set by chaining (since message returns an instance of Swift_Message).
Email::message('Hello')->setFrom('[email protected]')->setTo('[email protected]');