Allows to deploy several branches of a same repository onto their own paths.
For example, on the server vhost area, it will look like that:
Of course many target servers can be defined.
wget --no-check-certificate -O deployer.deb
dpkg -i deployer.deb
git clone [email protected]:korby/deployer.git
cd deployer
ln -s `pwd`/ /usr/bin/deployer
If you have bash_completion installed on your system :
cp debian_package/etc/bash_completion.d/deployer /my/system/path/to/etc/bash_completion.d/
source /my/system/path/to/etc/bash_completion.d/deployer
# create example config files in the current directory
deployer init
# performs basic tests (are conf files ok, are servers available via ssh ...)
deployer test
# show tasks contents of each vhost
deployer showtasks
# push your code
deployer deploy
# debug mode, after push tentative deployer keep temporary files
deployer -d deploy
# re-activate previous release and backup the last deployed for debuging check
deployer rollback
# simulation mode : don't perform final commands on remote serveur, just show them
deployer -s rollback
# executes shell command on each server in each vhost (contextual var can be used : %deploy_to, %shared_path etc.)
deployer exec
repository: [email protected]:korby/some-stuff.git
method: git clone
email: [email protected]
deploy_to: /var/www/somewhere/
- tasks-common/prod-files-renaming
- some/path/some-file-containing-bash-commands
deploy_to: /var/www/somewhere-else/
- tasks-common/prod-files-renaming
- some/path/some-file-containing-bash-commands
port: 222
composer: /var/www/composer.phar
myvar: myvalue
As very first step, from the machine where you will execute Deployer, you need to:
- add local ssh rsa public key to your remote git repository settings (gitlab, github, bitbucket...)
- install local ssh rsa public key on all remote servers
- Make a directory somewhere from where you will execute Deployer.
mkdir beautifull-project
touch beautifull-project/vhosts.yml beautifull-project/hosts.yml
- Create inside the 3 necessary configuration's files and fill them according to the matrix above
cd beautifull-project
deployer init
vi vhosts.yml
vi hosts.yml
vi vars.yml
- Run Deployer
deployer deploy
Deployer logs all commands performed and their returns. Logs are in your project directory in "logs/"
Tasks are commands executed on remote servers. They must reside in text files (whithout shebang) : one command per line, each line ended with ";"
A) Tasks common
Usefull for many projects they are stored in Deployer itself. If you prefix a task with "tasks-common" Deployer will look for it inside its own directory "tasks-common".
B) Other tasks
You can store them where you want, provided you indicate the path in the yaml configuration file.
Add all vars you need in the vars.yml. You can get and use the corresponding value anywhere in a task using that pattern : %myvar
Deployer use a vhost directory architecture similar to Capistrano, ie :
current (a symlink to > releases/xxx)
Useful .git/hooks/pre-commit to add:
git add deployer.deb
cd test