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Kodio web

Netlify Status

Getting started

pnpm install
  • Run locally
pnpm dev


The code for the website is in the web folder. The website is made using Astro.

Sass is used for styling.

Install new dependencies

Install new dependencies by doing it in the web folder.

cd web
pnpm add package-to-install


pnpm add package-to-install -F ./web


Uses to calculate sizes for images.


The code for the CMS is in the cms folder. The CMS is made using Sanity.

The CMS is hosted at

Running the CMS locally

The CMS can be run locally to see changes in the schema without deploying.

Note that the changes done in data locally will be save to the save database as for the deployed studio.

pnpm cms


If there are changes in the schema that should be deployed run:

pnpm cms:deploy

This only applies to changes in the schema, changes in data does not require deployment to reach the database.

Code standard

ESLint, Prettier and TypeScript is used to verify the code and to format. These will be run on pull-request to the repository.

This can be run locally with

pnpm check

Environment variables

Environment variables kan be specified by creating a .env file in the root folder.

See the example file .env.example for available environment variables.