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ZoomEye-python: The official Python library and CLI by Knownsec 404 Team.


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ZoomEye is a cyberspace search engine that allows users to search for network devices through a browser at

ZoomEye-python is a Python library developed based on the ZoomEye API, providing both command-line interface and SDK integration capabilities for other tools. This library enables technical professionals to search and export ZoomEye data more conveniently.

0x01 Installation Steps

Install directly from pypi:

pip3 install zoomeye

Or install via github:

pip3 install git+

0x02 Using CLI

After successfully installing ZoomEye-python, you can directly use the zoomeye command as follows:

$ zoomeye -h
usage: zoomeye [-h] [-v] {info,init,search,clear} ...

positional arguments:
    info                Show ZoomEye account info
    init                Initialize the token for ZoomEye-python
    search              get network asset information based on query conditions.
    clear               Manually clear the cache and user information

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit

1. Token Initialization

Before using ZoomEye-python CLI, you need to initialize the user token. This credential is used to verify user identity for querying data from ZoomEye; only API-KEY authentication is supported.

You can view help through zoomeye init -h. Here's a demonstration using APIKEY:

$ zoomeye init -apikey "01234567-acbd-00000-1111-22222222222"
Username: your username
Role: Professional
Points: 800000
Zoomeye Points: 0

Users can obtain their APIKEY by logging into ZoomEye and accessing their profile ( The APIKEY doesn't expire, and users can reset it in their profile as needed.

2. User Information

Users can retrieve their account information, subscription details, and current points through the info command:

$ zoomeye info
username: <username>
email: <email>
phone: <phone number>
created_at: 2021-01-15
Subscription:: {'plan': 'Professional', 'end_date': '2025-12-31', 'points': 800000, 'zoomeye_points': 0}

3. Search

Search is the core functionality of ZoomEye-python, accessed through the search command. The search command requires a search keyword (dork). Here's a simple search example:

$ zoomeye search "telnet" 
search "telnet" 
ip                            port                          domain                        update_time                   
134.xx.xx.129                 1901                          [unknown]                     2025-02-06T15:45:20           
134.xx.xx.138                 1901                          [unknown]                     2025-02-06T15:45:19

total: 20/9976411

Using the search command is as simple as searching on ZoomEye through a browser. By default, we display the most important fields that users can use to understand target information:

1.ip             IP address
2.port           Port
3.domain         Target domain
4.update_time    Target scan time

search supports the following parameters (zoomeye search -h) for data processing:

-facets facets        Statistics items, comma-separated; supports country, subdivisions, city, product, service, device, os, and port.
-fields field=regexp  Return fields, comma-separated; default: ip, port, domain, update_time. For more info, see:
-sub_type {v4,v6,web,all}  Data type, supports v4, v6, and web; default is v4.
-page page            Default is page 1, sorted by update time.
-pagesize pagesize    Number of queries per page, default is 10, maximum is 10,000 per page.
-figure {pie,hist}    Parameter for data visualization
-save                 Save search results locally
-force                Ignore local cache files and fetch data directly from ZoomEye

4. Data Aggregation

We can use -facets for data aggregation statistics. Using -facets allows you to query the aggregation status of the full data set for that dork (aggregated by ZoomEye and retrieved via API)

$ zoomeye search "telnet" -facets product -pagesize 1
ip                            port                          domain                        update_time                         2020                          [unknown]                     2025-02-06T15:59:49           

total: 1/9976296
 ZoomEye total data:9976296
 -------------product Top 10-------------
 product                            count               
 MikroTik router config httpd       3326013             
 [unknown]                          2421245             
 Apache httpd                       2411293             
 ProFTPD                            285649              
 Pulse Secure VPN httpd             182296              
 Samsung printer telnetd            178147              
 Huawei telnetd                     144382              
 Huawei switch telnetd              120421              
 TP-LINK TL-WR841N WAP httpd        118836              
 DVR httpd                          100068 

5. Data Export

The -save parameter can be used to export data as follows:

$ zoomeye search "telnet" -pagesize 1 -save
search "telnet"  -pagesize 1 -save
ip                            port                          domain                        update_time                            3011                          [unknown]                     2025-02-06T16:00:53           

total: 1/9976301
save file to telnet_1_1738829058.json successful!

6. Data Visualization

The -figure parameter is for data visualization, offering both pie and hist (histogram) display options. When specified, it must be used together with -facets. Data is still displayed without specification. Here's an example of a pie chart:

And a histogram:

7. Cleanup Function

Users search for large amounts of data daily, which can lead to increasing storage space in the cache folder. If users use ZoomEye-python on public servers, their API KEY and ACCESS TOKEN might be exposed. Therefore, ZoomEye-python provides a cleanup command zoomeye clear to clear cache data and user configurations. Usage is as follows:

$zoomeye clear -h
usage: zoomeye clear [-h] [-setting] [-cache]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -setting    clear user api key and access token
  -cache      clear local cache file

12. Cache Mechanism

ZoomEye-python provides a caching mechanism in cli mode, located at ~/.config/zoomeye/cache, to conserve user quotas as much as possible. Data sets queried by users are cached locally for 5 days, and when users query the same data set, it won't consume their quota.

0x04 Using SDK

1. Token Initialization

Similarly, the SDK only supports authentication via APIKEY:


from zoomeye.sdk import ZoomEye
zm = ZoomEye(api_key="01234567-acbd-00000-1111-22222222222")


Here are the interfaces provided by the SDK and their descriptions:

    Get current user information, qbase64='', page=1, pagesize=20, sub_type='all', fields='', facets='')
    Get network asset information based on search criteria.

3. Usage Example

from zoomeye.sdk import ZoomEye
>>> dir(ZoomEye)
['__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__getstate__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__init_subclass__', '__le__', '__lt__', '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__weakref__', '_check_header', '_request', 'search', 'userinfo']
>>> zm = ZoomEye(api_key="01234567-acbd-00000-1111-22222222222")
{'code': 60000, 'message': 'success', 'query': 'country=cn', 'total': 823268005, 'data': [{...}], 'facets': {}}

0x05 Contributions

wh0ami1@knownsec 404
0x7F@knownsec 404
dawu@knownsec 404
fenix@knownsec 404

0x06 Issues

1. How to input dorks containing quotes?

When using CLI for search queries containing quotes, such as "<body style=\"margin:0;padding:0\"> <p align=\"center\"> <iframe src=\"index.xhtml\"", the dork must be wrapped in quotes to represent it as a complete parameter when it contains quotes or multiple quotes. Otherwise, the command-line parameter parsing will have issues. The correct search format for this dork should be: '"<body style=\"margin:0;padding:0\"> <p align=\"center\"> <iframe src=\"index.xhtml\""'.

If there are no spaces or special characters, quotes can be omitted as the parameter parser will consume one set of quotes

2. zoomeye-ai

If you are not a user from mainland China, please use

0x07 404StarLink Project

ZoomEye-python is part of 404Team's StarLink Project. If you have any questions about ZoomEye-python or want to connect with other users, you can refer to the StarLink Project's community joining methods.


knownsec 404
Update Time: 2025.02.06