listmonk is a standalone, self-hosted, newsletter and mailing list manager. It is fast, feature-rich, and packed into a single binary. It uses a PostgreSQL (⩾ 12) database as its data store.
Visit for more info. Check out the live demo.
The latest image is available on DockerHub at listmonk/listmonk:latest
Download and use the sample docker-compose.yml.
# Download the compose file to the current directory.
curl -LO
# Run the services in the background.
docker compose up -d
Visit http://localhost:9000
- Download the latest release and extract the listmonk binary.
./listmonk --new-config
to generate config.toml. Edit it../listmonk --install
to setup the Postgres DB (or--upgrade
to upgrade an existing DB. Upgrades are idempotent and running them multiple times have no side effects).- Run
and visithttp://localhost:9000
listmonk is free and open source software licensed under AGPLv3. If you are interested in contributing, refer to the developer setup. The backend is written in Go and the frontend is Vue with Buefy for UI.
listmonk is licensed under the AGPL v3 license.