The beginnings of a neo4j server client for client-side javascript.
Neo4js makes heavy use of promises (also known as futures), methods that make calls to the database usually return a promise for a result of some kind.
For instance:
var nodePromise = graph.node("http://localhost:75");
nodePromise.then(function(node) {
// Do something with the node.
// Or just
Example usage:
var graph = new neo4j.GraphDatabase("http://localhost:7474");
var lisaPromise = graph.node({ "name" : "Lisa" });
var bobPromise = graph.node({ "name" : "Bob" });
var lovePromise = graph.rel(lisaPromise, "LOVES", bobPromise, { "reason" : "All the bling he got." });
// Wait for the promise of a relationship to be fulfilled.
lovePromise.then(function(relationship) {
// Get the end node of the LOVES relationship
relationship.getEndNode().then(function(bob) {
// Once you have a node or relationship object, all properties are immediately available:
var name = bob.getProperty("name");
// Change a property like this
bob.setProperty("name", "Steven"); {
// Bob is now saved.
git clone
cd neo4js
mvn package
This will create target/classes/neo4js.js
To use, check out the API documentation for neo4j.GraphDatabase. Note that neo4js.js requires jQuery to run.
mvn site
Documentation is then found in target/site/jsdocs