Raimon Grau Cuscó
(first release in 1983)
Lisp, Lua, Ruby, Python, Perl programming.
Emacs devote, and programming languages nerd. Loves Lisp
and Smalltalk. Quite talkative and generally good mood.
Recent jobs include:
- Metabase: Analytics/BI. Core Dev and Cloud Team Lead. Clojure, Python.
- Kong: API Gateway, API Management. Team Lead. Lua, Python.
- Ravenpack: NLP applied to Fintech. Senior dev. CommonLisp.
- 3scale: API Gateway, API Management. Team Lead. Ruby.
- Maybe you're looking for the more formal CV
- mail: [email protected]
- phone: mmmm...not here
- skype: raimon.gra1
- irc: #raimonster@freenode , leave your message and stay around.
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/raimon-grau-837ba91a/
- Location: Tenerife 90%. Barcelona 5%. SF 5%
- Programming languages
- Skating
Skating, Swimming, good conversations in English, Catalan or
- http://vimeo.com/user3097987 : Genetic Algorithms applied to drug discovery (Catalan)
- Coffee 1.0
Might not work correctly when not enough sleep or some dependency is missing
- Can't divide by 0.
- Infinite loop has been detected opening /r/programming, closing
the tab and opening it again instantly. A workaround for this is
echo ' reddit.com' >>/etc/hosts
You can check log examples and extract behavior patterns from:
- https://news.ycombinator.com/user?id=rgrau
- https://www.reddit.com/user/rgrau
- https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/69378962-raimon-grau
Please, send any feedback as an issue, or via mail.
- More formal CV
- http://puntoblogspot.blogspot.com
- http://github.com/kidd
- https://github.com/the-universe/Homo-Sapiens
- http://bitbucket.com/rgrau
* Team Lead
* Moved to cloud development. Gaining AWS experience.
* m-x cider-jack-in RET
* Core development @Metabase
* os.exit()
* Release of version 37.
* Remounted /mnt/tenerife onto /dev/sdTenerife1 (moved places)
* self.itchy_feet++
* cd $HOME; echo 'STAY THE FUCK HOME'; sleep $((60*60*24*30))
* Release of version 36.
* Emacs 26.2 is released with my first changes inside it.
* Not idle anymore
* Started working at Kong
* (excl:exit)
* $HOME=/mnt/tenerife
* $PATH=/mnt/tenerife:/mnt/barcelona
* Setup CI and some test coverage to a Lisp codebase.
* Created a streaming json api with advanced filtering using CL and
nginx (nchan).
* 'Inherited' a 8k line Lisp app. Tuned it into a faster 5k line
Lisp app without behaviour changes.
* $HOME is /dev/sdCoin
* Full time job working in Common Lisp (and python). Expanded love
for Common Lisp, it's live environment, and the quality of the
* $HOME is /dev/sdMARBELLA
* Removed cigarettes dependency.
* remounted $HOME from /dev/sdBARCELONA to /dev/sdTENERIFE
* Release of Apitools (Lua+Nginx+redis+RoR+Docker+whatnot)
* Give a talk in ApiDays Barcelona about Reverse Engineering APIs
with Apitools.
* Back to RoR application as Team Lead, and focused on backend.
* Attending Polyconf.
* Dabbling with clojure a bit more seriously and trying to wrap my
head around Haskell and Factor.
* Running Lua embedded in Redis and Nginx. Highly concurrent apps.
* Attending European Lisp Conference. Madrid
* Attending Lua Workshop. Toulouse
* Even a bit more addicted to emacs (and yeah,... lisps)
* Ror & Lua programming at 3scale. Generating lua code from a Rails
app to run embedded in Nginx for dynamic routing.
* More addicted to emacs (and lisp)
* 2011-07-XX Join 3scale.
- Ruby development.
- Getting to know a big Rails app, with high Redis traffic volume.
* Attending European Smalltalk User Group Conference. Edinburgh
* Became Emacs Addict (and lisp)
* 2010-12-X Joined Gnuine. My first experience with Ruby, and
Rails. Also first contact with web development.
* Attending European Smalltalk User Group Conference. Barcelona
* Presented my bachelor's degree final work: "Applying Evolutionary
Algorithms to drug discovery". Graded A (MH).
* Stated using emacs
* Joining Smalltalk.cat.
* Attending Perl YAPC::EU 2009 Conference.
* Back to Barcelona. Working at Intelligent Pharma. Developing
Artificial Intelligence (Machine Learning and Evolutionary
Algorithms) applications for drug discovery. Developing in Perl.
* Joining Barcelona Perl Mongers
* Joined Github (as a user :D) (Sep 21, 2008)
* Moved from Barcelona to Tenerife
* First patches in free software. (vimperator)
* Developed a few apps for Vectorlinux distribution which are still
used in the distro.
* Working at AMES S.L.
- Programming in Dataflex, Perl, and CrystalReports
* Became Vim addict
* Uni
* First commit
Josep Grau
Teresa Cuscó
- WTFPL - http://www.wtfpl.net/
- Artistic License 2.0 - http://www.perlfoundation.org/artistic_license_2_0