Implementation of Lepton Collider detector models in DD4hep.
lcgeo is distributed under the GPLv3 License
DD4hep built with Geant4 and LCIO
git clone
cd lcgeo ; mkdir build ; cd build
source __path_to_DD4hep__/bin/
cmake -DBoost_NO_BOOST_CMAKE=ON ..
make -j4 install
source ../bin/
go to cd ./example
Modify the python script ./example/
in order to create
an LCIO input file with single particles:
export PYTHONPATH=${LCIO}/src/python:${ROOTSYS}/lib:$PYTHONPATH
There is also example input file with 10 singe muons: ./mcparticles.slcio
ddsim --compactFile ../ILD/compact/ILD_o1_v05/ILD_o1_v05.xml --inputFiles mcparticles.slcio -N 10
This creates an lcio file simple_lcio.slcio with sim hits and MCParticles.
You can look at it in the usual way
anajob simple_lcio.slcio
dumpevent simple_lcio.slcio 1
Change the ddsim command line parameters as needed to read other input files.
There are several ways for visualizing the detector geometry and the simulated events:
CED event display
ced2go -d gear_ILD_o1_v05_ORG.xml -t ced2go-template.xml simple_lcio.slcio
ln -s simple_lcio.slcio teve_infile.slcio
teveDisplay ../ILD/compact/ILD_o1_v05/ILD_o1_v05.xml
.x $DD4hepINSTALL/examples/DDEve/DDEve.C()
and then load
create a gear file from the DD4hep detector model, e.g.
convertToGear default ../trunk/ILD/compact/ILD_o1_v05.xml gear_ILD_o1_v05_dd4hep.xml
[ Friendly reminder: in order to work you need to explicitly build DD4hep with GEAR enabled. Use the flag
for the cmake command. ]Note: currently this might still be incomplete and you can copy missing information for example from the original Mokka gear files ( or use
) -
run simulation (as described above), e.g.:
python ../ILD/compact/ILD_o1_v05/ILD_o1_v05.xml
run the standard reconstruction ( tracking only so far ):
Marlin ../example/ild_dd4hep_stdreco.xml
look at the result w/ the CED event display, e.g.
ced2go -d ../example/gear_ILD_o1_v05_ORG.xml -t ../example/ced2go-template.xml simple_lcio_REC.slcio
Copyright (C), lcgeo Authors
lcgeo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License long with this program. If not, see