Icarus is a music streaming API Server that interacts with Mear.
One can interface with Icarus the music server either by:
- Mear - Partially implemented (under development)
- IcarusDownloadManager
- C# .NET 8
- MySql
- OpenSSL
- BCrypt.Net-Next
- Iconic.Zlib.Netstandard
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.NewtonsoftJson
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools
- MySql.EntityFrameworkCore
- Newtonsoft.Json
- NLog.Web.AspNetCpre
- Portable.BouncyCastle
- RestSharp
- SevenZip
- System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt
- TagLib#
There are several things that need to be completed to properly setup and secure the API. This API uses OpenAPI Specification 3.0. After configuring the API, launch the software and navigate your browser to https://localhost:5001/swagger to view the endpoints.
- JWT Information
- API filesystem paths
- Database connection string
- Migrations
Configure JWT information. Notably the Secret
"JWT": {
"Issuer": "IcarusAPI",
"Audience": "IcarusAPIClient",
"Secret": "Manaiswhatyouthinkitis",
"Subject": "Authorization"
Replace [domain] with the domain name that represent's your domain. Replace [identifier] with the identifer root name in the appsettings environment file. Not the friendly name but the root name of the identifier, omitting the http protocol and the api path.
"Auth0": {
"Domain": "[domain].auth0.com",
"ApiIdentifier": "https://[identifier]/api"
Note: The Auth0 section is likely to be changed or removed in future releases.
For the purposes of properly uploading, downloading, updating, deleting, and streaming songs the API filesystem paths must be configured. What is meant by this is that the RootMusicPath
directory where all music will be stored must exist as well as the ArchivePath
and TemporaryMusicPath
paths. An example on a Linux system:
"RootMusicPath": "/home/dev/null/music/",
"TemporaryMusicPath": "/home/dev/null/music/temp/",
"ArchivePath": "/home/dev/null/music/archive/",
"CoverArtPath": "/home/dev/null/music/coverart/"
- RootMusicPath - Where music will be stored in the following convention:
- TemporaryMusicPath - Where music will be stored when uploding songs to the server until the metadata has been fully parsed and entered into the database. Upon completion the files will be deleted and moved to the appropriate path in the
- ArchivePath - When downloading compressed songs this is the path where songs will be compressed prior to dataa being read into memory, deleting the compressed file, and sending the compressed file from memory to the client
- CoverArtPath - Root directory where cover art will be saved to
Note: The TemporaryMusic
or ArchivePath
does not have to be located in the RootMusicPath
. Ensure that the permissions are properly set for all of the paths.
In order for Database functionality to be operable, there must be a valid connection string and credentials with appropriate permissions. At the moment there is only support for MySQL. Depending on your environment Release
or Debug
you will need to edit the appsettings.json or appsettings.Development.json accordingly. An example of the fields to change are below:
"ConnectionStrings": {
"DefaultConnection": "Server=localhost;Database=my_db;Uid=admin;Pwd=toughpassword;"
- Server - The address or domain name of the MySQL server
- Database - The database name
- Uid - Username
- Password - Self-explanatory
The only requirement of the User is that the user should have full permissions to the database as well as permissions to create a database. Other than that, that is all that is required.
In order to utilize migrations the dotnet-ef
tool needs to be installed. This can be done with the following command
dotnet tool restore
Prior to starting the API, the Migrations must be applied. There are 6 tables with migrations being applied and thy are:
- Users
- Song
- Album
- Artist
- CoverArt
- Genre
There is a script for Linux systems to apply these migrations, it can be found in the Scripts/Migrations/Linux directory. Just merely execute:
Or you can manually add the migrations like so for each migration:
dotnet dotnet-ef migrations Add InitialCreate --context UserContext
Then update the migrations to the database like so*:
dotnet dotnet-ef database update --context UserContext
All of the contexts can be found in Database/Contexts folder.
From this point the database has been successfully configured. Metadata and song filesystem locations can be saved.
* Will only need to execute this for UserContext and SongContext because the Song table has relational constraints with Album, Artist, Year, and Genre.
Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on the code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to the project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details