This is my 2048 puzzle AI module written in C for a 2048 contest.
The time limit of move is average 0.01 seconds for 100 games.
Don't believe performance numbers (time) in git commit log because
- Hyperthreading make time measurement difficult
- I often change compiler version but didn't keep note in the commit log.
- The machine was often busy on other tasks at the same time the tests ran.
Don't believe score numbers in git commit log because
- I used bad random number generator before commit 9a21b5. It always generates tile 2 before the fix.
So, read numbers carefully. Only compare those numbers relatively, don't trust the absolute values.
- Overall
- The heuristic function is based on my 2048-python, which is highly inspired by ovolve's description in stackoverflow 2048.
- Search algorithm is highly inspired by nneonneo's 2048 AI. Although I wrote from scratch, I wrote mine after read his code and borrowed several ideas.
- Search:
- expectiminimax. It can search 10+ steps ahead by pruning low possibility nodes.
- helper minimax search (only consider tile-2) to avoid dead. It can search 20+ steps ahead.
- includes xificurk's adaptive depth search
- Eval: inspired from the stackoverflow article, combined with monotoneness,
smoothness, and number of blank tile.
- Weighting of these scores are tuned by hand first. And minor tuned by automatic program. I don't know the reason of those magic numbers ;)
- Optimization:
- Similar to, or borrowed from nneonneo/2048-ai
- Bit operations
- Move and score by table lookup
- Cut some 4 tile since the probability is low
- Enhanced or different to nneonneo/2048-ai
- Faster bit operations.
- Cache: use more than one hash table. Fixed size hash table to avoid allocation. Also take 'depth' into consideration.
- Use 64 bits for score calculation. (32 bits are not enough and may loss some precision)
- Optimization for contest:
- time control (average 100 moves per sec)
- embed prebuild optimized (gcc4.6 -O3) binary. Because the contest host use gcc4.2 -O2.
- Similar to, or borrowed from nneonneo/2048-ai
tag contest-version is the version I submitted for contest.
The contest result (100 runs):
max score=625260
avg score=277965.00
max tile=32768
2048 rate=100%
4096 rate=100%
8192 rate=96%
16384 rate=67%
32768 rate=2%
p.s. After contest-version, I made some improvements but the program become much slower.
- Algorithm and evaluation ideas from
- ovolve's nice answer on stackoverflow
- nneonneo's 2048 AI
- xificurk nneonneo/2048-ai#27
- Load shellcode
- I extended feliam's code to x86 64
- My hash function is from Murmurhash3 mix function
- Bit tricks from
BSD license