Command line utility to interact with RIAK distributed database
- List all the buckets available in a given RIAK instance
- List all keys in a given bucket
- Read an object given a key under a given bucket
- Create or update an object for a given key
- Delete riak objects and buckets
- Tabbing gives you auto complete support for sub commands
- More to come..
Here you go !!
riakcli list buckets -> Lists all the buckets available in RIAK
riakcli list keys [bucket-name] -> Lists all keys in a given bucket
riakcli get object [bucket-name] [key] -> Gets the object associated with a given key in a specified bucket
riakcli put object [bucket-name] [key] [object-json] -> Creates/Updates an object for a given key in a specified bucket
riakcli search by_index [bucket-name] [index-name] [index-value]
-> Searches given value by secondary index in a specified bucket
riakcli delete bucket [bucket-name] -> Deletes all objects in a specified bucket
riakcli delete object [bucket-name] [key] -> Deletes an object in a given bucket
riakcli flush -> Deletes all the buckets in RIAK
riakcli ping -> Connects to RIAK instance for status
riakcli help -> Displays this usage information
git clone
cd riakcli
git checkout v0.1 ## Replace v0.1 with any release version you would like to install
./ ## After installation, source the riakcli_bashcompletion script as mentioned in installation logs
After setting it up, riakcli is available @ /usr/local/bin/riakcli (make sure it is added to your PATH)
By default, this tool connects to RIAK @ http://localhost:8098. If you want to connect to RIAK on other machine, edit ~/.riakclirc and change the appropriate configuration.
Please note ~/.riakclirc is created by installation script automatically.
- Search by secondary indices
- Search by full text queries
- Support for HTTPS
- Support for authentication enabled RIAK
- Support for updating objects with headers
Copyright 2013 Srivatsa Katta
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.