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Repository files navigation

The kAppNav project ceased development some time ago. These repositories will be archived in the near future.

Documentation Here

What is Kubernetes Application Navigator?

The Kubernetes Application Navigator is a tool that extends the Kubernetes console to provide visualization, inspection, and navigation of the deployed resources that comprise an application. It provides high level status and customizable in-context day 2 operations for your applications.

What is an Application?

An application consists of custom-written program components that combine with the supporting infrastructure, application middleware, middleware services, and other components to define a complete solution.

The Kubernetes Application Navigator uses the Application Custom Resource Definition (CRD) from the Kubernetes Application SIG as the basis for describing applications.

Installing Kubernetes Application Navigator


  1. Install a Kubernetes cluster. The Kubernetes Application Navigator project is verified on the following clusters:
  2. Install the Kubernetes command-line tool.

Avoid trouble: Ensure that your target Kubernetes cluster is running and accessible to the Kubernetes command-line tool (kubectl). Run the kubectl get nodes command to return a response that indicates that Kubernetes is running.

You can install Kuberenetes Application Navigator by using one of the following methods:

  1. OKD or minishift into kappnav namespace
  2. OCP v4
  3. minikube
  4. OKD or minishift into user-defined namespace

Install Kubernetes Application Navigator on OKD or minishift into a kappnav namespace

  1. Create the kAppNav namespace with the following command: kubectl create namespace kappnav

    # kubectl create namespace kappnav
    namespace/kappnav created
  2. Deploy the kAppNav operator with the following command: curl -L | kubectl create -f - -n kappnav

    # curl -L | kubectl -f - -n kappnav created
    serviceaccount/helm-operator created created created
    deployment.apps/helm-operator created created
  3. Use the following command to ensure that all the pods are running: kubectl get pods -n kappnav

    • It might take a couple of minutes for all of the pods to be created
    # kubectl get pods -n kappnav
    NAME                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    kappnav-controller-67c66df5f4-5h5pl   2/2     Running   0          6h32m
    kappnav-operator-c5c8fddfc-74dl8      1/1     Running   0          6h33m
    kappnav-ui-96897bddd-z466s            3/3     Running   0          6h32m
  4. Use the following command to ensure that the routes are created: kubectl get routes -n kappnav

    1. Find the kappnav-ui-service route.
    # kubectl get routes -n kappnav
    NAME                  HOST/PORT                                           PATH          SERVICES             PORT      TERMINATION          WILDCARD
    kappnav-ui-service                        kappnav-ui-service   <all>     reencrypt            None
    1. Access the kAppNav UI with the following URL:

Installation validation

After you install Kubernetes Application Navigator and the stock-trader sample, you can access the Kubernetes Application Navigator UI by finding and opening the UI route in the OpenShift console:


The Kubernetes Application Navigator shows your installed applications:


Click the stock-trader application name to view the stock-trader application components:


The Kubernetes Application Navigator icon appears in the OKD Service Catalog:


To add existing applications, or create a new application, follow the instructions for How to Create Applications.

Uninstall Kubernetes Application Navigator

  1. Delete the kAppNav components with the following command: curl -L | kubectl delete -f - -n kappnav --now

    # curl -L | kubectl create -f - -n kappnav --now "instance" deleted
  2. Delete the operator components with the following command: curl -L | kubectl delete -f - -n kappnav

    # curl -L | kubectl delete -f - -n kappnav
    deployment.apps "helm-operator" deleted "helm-operator" deleted "helm-operator" deleted
    serviceaccount "helm-operator" deleted "" deleted
  3. Delete the Kubernetes Application Navigator namespace with the following command: kubectl delete namespace kappnav

    # kubectl delete namespace kappnav
    namespace "kappnav" deleted

Install Kubernetes Application Navigator on OCP 4

Use the following commands to install Kubernetes Application Navigator on OCP 4:

  1. kubectl create namespace kappnav
  2. curl -L | sed "s|kubeEnv: okd|kubeEnv: ocp|" | kubectl create -f - -n kappnav

Install Kubernetes Application Navigator on Minikube

NOTE kAppNav presently works only on Kubernetes versions < 1.16 ! Also, at least 4GB memory is recommended. We have verified kAppNav on minikube, using the following startup:

minikube start --kubernetes-version=1.14.9 --vm-driver=virtualbox --memory=4000mb
  1. Use the following commands to install Kubernetes Application Navigator on Minikube:

    1. kubectl create namespace kappnav
    2. curl -L | sed "s|kubeEnv: okd|kubeEnv: minikube|" | kubectl create -f - -n kappnav
  2. Start the Kubernetes Application Navigator UI with the following command:

    minikube service kappnav-ui-service -n kappnav --format "http://{{.IP}}:{{.Port}}/kappnav-ui"

Install Kubernetes Application Navigator on OKD or Minishift into a user-defined namespace

Use the following commands to install Kubernetes Application Navigator on OKD or minishft into a user-defined namespace

  1. kubectl create namespace my-namespace
  2. curl -L | sed "s|namespace: kappnav|namespace: my-namespace|" | kubectl create -f - -n my-namespace

Uninstall Kubernetes Application Navigator from a user-defined namespace

Use the following commands to install Kubernetes Application Navigator from a user-defined namespace:

  1. curl -L | kubectl delete -f - -n my-namespace --now
  2. curl -L | sed "s|namespace: kappnav|namespace: my-namespace|" | kubectl delete -f - -n my-namespace
  3. kubectl delete namespace my-namespace