A WebAssembly interpreter written in RPython.
Warpy supports the WebAssembly MVP (minimum viable product) version of the spec.
Build whe warpy executable. You will need a build of rpython on the path:
make warpy-jit # or make warpy-nojit
Alternatively, you can use an rypthon docker container (built from Dockerfile-rpython) and do the compilation from there:
docker pull kanaka/warpy-rpython
docker run -it kanaka/warpy-rpython -v `pwd`:/build -w /build make warpy-jit
You will need wast2wasm
to compile wast source to wasm bytecode.
Check-out and build wabt
git clone --recursive https://github.com/WebAssembly/wabt
make -C wabt gcc-release
Compile a wasm module:
wast2wasm test/addTwo.wast -o test/addTwo.wasm
Load and call a function in a wasm module:
./warpy-jit test/addTwo.wasm addTwo 11 12
You can also use standard python (but it's much slower of course):
python warpy.py test/addTwo.wasm addTwo 13 14
There is also a REPL mode that allow you to interactively invoke functions within a module:
./warpy-jit --repl test/addTwo.wasm
webassembly> addTwo 2 3
Some rough notes for running the WebAssembly specification tests can
be found in notes\_testing
MPL-2.0 (see LICENSE)