Up your service locally.
$ lift call && lift up
A full description of the idea is available here.
In Avito we have an excellent PaaS which helps us to run our services in Kubernetes clusters with just a few commands. But I want to run it so quickly and frequently as possible to debug during development. For that reason, I need a possibility to up services written on Go locally from IDE like GoLand without losing the benefits that minikube provides.
$ brew install kamilsk/tap/lift
$ curl -sSfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kamilsk/lift/master/bin/install | sh
# or
$ wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kamilsk/lift/master/bin/install | sh
Don't forget about security.
# use standard go tools
$ go get github.com/kamilsk/lift@latest
# or use egg tool
$ egg tools add github.com/kamilsk/lift@latest
egg is an
extended go get
$ lift completion bash > /path/to/bash_completion.d/lift.sh
$ lift completion zsh > /path/to/zsh-completions/_lift.zsh
# or autodetect
$ source <(lift completion)
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