promutil provides a set of utilities for working with a Prometheus TSDB. It allows data generation, recording rule backfilling, data migration, etc.
To build promutil from the source code yourself you need to have a working Go environment with version 1.18 or greater installed.
$ git clone
$ cd promutil
$ ./
promutil provides a set of utilities for working with a Prometheus
TSDB. It allows data generation, recording rule backfilling, data
migration, etc.
promutil [command]
Available Commands:
backfill Backfill prometheus recording rule data
compact Compact prometheus TSDB
completion Output shell completion code for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
generate Generate prometheus data
help Help about any command
migrate Migrate prometheus data
version Prints the promutil version
web Runs an API/UI server
--config string config file (default is .promutil.config)
-h, --help help for promutil
-v, --verbose count enables verbose logging (multiple times increases verbosity)
Use "promutil [command] --help" for more information about a command.
$ ./promutil help version
Prints the promutil version
promutil version [flags]
-h, --help help for version
Global Flags:
--config string config file (default is .promutil.config)
-v, --verbose count enables verbose logging (multiple times increases verbosity)
$ ./promutil version
promutil, version v0.0.3-dirty (branch: develop, revision: f49594341b3045ff6d0da7605dab023a1784f201)
build user: [email protected]
build date: 2022-07-15T05:50:04Z
go version: go1.18.3
$ ./promutil help backfill
Backfill prometheus recording rule data from the specified rules to a local prometheus TSDB.
promutil backfill [flags]
--directory string directory read and write TSDB data (default "data/")
--end timestamp time to backfill to (default "now")
-h, --help help for backfill
--parallelism uint8 parallelism for backfill (default 16)
--rule-config-file recordingRules config file defining the rules to evaluate (default None)
--rule-group-filter regex rule group filters which determine the rules groups to backfill (default .+)
--rule-name-filter regex rule name filters which determine the rules groups to backfill (default .+)
--sample-interval duration interval at which samples will be backfilled (default 15s)
--start timestamp time to backfill from (default "6 hours ago")
Global Flags:
--config string config file (default is .promutil.config)
-v, --verbose count enables verbose logging (multiple times increases verbosity)
$ cat recording_rules.yml
- name: my rules
interval: 15s
- record: job:my_service:count
expr: count by(job) (up{service="my_service"})
- record: endpoint:http_request_duration_seconds_count:rate1m
expr: sum by(endpoint, job) (rate(http_request_duration_seconds_count[1m]))
$ ./promutil backfill \
--directory docker/prometheus/data \
--start 2022-06-18 \
--end 2022-06-28 \
--rule-config-file recording_rules.yml \
--rule-name-filter "job:my_service:count"
Running backfill for 'job:my_service:count' from 2022-06-17T17:00:00 to 2022-06-17T17:29:59
$ ./promutil help compact
Compact the specified local prometheus TSDB.
promutil compact [flags]
--directory string directory read and write TSDB data (default "data/")
-h, --help help for compact
Global Flags:
--config string config file (default is .promutil.config)
-v, --verbose count enables verbose logging (multiple times increases verbosity)
$ ./promutil compact --directory docker/prometheus/data
Compacting data
$ ./promutil help generate
Generate prometheus data based on the provided data definitions to a local prometheus TSDB.
promutil generate [flags]
--end timestamp time to generate data to (default "now")
-h, --help help for generate
--metric-config-file metricConfig config file defining the time series to create (default Empty)
--output-directory string output directory to write TSDB data (default "data/")
--parallelism uint8 parallelism for generation (default 16)
--rule-config-file recordingRules config file defining the rules to evaluate (default None)
--sample-interval duration interval at which samples will be generated (default 15s)
--start timestamp time to generate data from (default "6 hours ago")
Global Flags:
--config string config file (default is .promutil.config)
-v, --verbose count enables verbose logging (multiple times increases verbosity)
$ cat metric_config.yml
- name: my_metric
- job: my_job
service: my_service
expression: '500'
- name: my_other_metric
- instance_1
- instance_2
- job: my_job
service: my_service
expression: '500'
$ ./promutil generate --start 2022-06-18 --end 2022-06-28 --output-directory docker/prometheus/data --metric-config-file metric_config.yml
Running generate for 'my_metric' from 2022-06-17T17:00:00 to 2022-06-17T17:29:59
Running generate for 'my_other_metric' from 2022-06-17T17:00:00 to 2022-06-17T17:29:59
$ ./promutil help migrate
Migrate the specified data from a remote prometheus to a local prometheus TSDB.
promutil migrate [flags]
--end timestamp time to migrate to (default "now")
-h, --help help for migrate
--host url remote host to migrate data from (default "http://localhost:9090")
--matcher matchers config file defining the rules to evaluate (default None)
--output-directory string directory write TSDB data (default "data/")
--parallelism uint8 parallelism for migration (default 4)
--sample-interval duration interval at which samples will be migrated (default 15s)
--start timestamp time to migrate from (default "6 hours ago")
Global Flags:
--config string config file (default is .promutil.config)
-v, --verbose count enables verbose logging (multiple times increases verbosity)
$ ./promutil migrate --host http://prometheus:9090 --start 2022-06-18 --end 2022-06-28 --output-directory docker/prometheus/data --matcher 'my_metric{service="my_service"} --matcher 'my_other_metric{service="my_service"}'
Running migrate for 'my_metric{service="my_service"}' from 2022-06-17T17:00:00 to 2022-06-17T17:29:59
Running migrate for 'my_other_metric{service="my_service"}' from 2022-06-17T17:00:00 to 2022-06-17T17:29:59
$ ./promutil help web
Runs an API/UI server for web based prometheus utilities.
promutil web [flags]
-h, --help help for web
--host url remote prometheus host (default "http://localhost:9090")
--listenAddress listenAddress the listen address (default :8080)
--parallelism uint8 parallelism for backfill (default 16)
--sample-interval duration interval at which samples will be taken within a range (default 15s)
Global Flags:
--config string config file (default is .promutil.config)
--cpuProfile string Cpu profile result file
--memoryProfile string Memory profile result file
--traceProfile string Trace profile result file
-v, --verbose count enables verbose logging (multiple times increases verbosity)
$ ./promutil web
Press Ctrl-C to shutdown server
Started server on :8080
- Added migrate, backfill, generate, compact, and web commands
- Initial version
Apache License 2.0, see LICENSE.