Enabling multi-touch mode with pd-native guis, inside any patch.
This is experimental, and not guaranteed to work on any touchscreen setup. Any feedback welcome [email protected]
Demo here : https://vimeo.com/292789121
- Required configuration : linux pc with multitouch screen.
- Multitouch gestures (scrolling, zooming, pinch, etc...) shoud be desactivated on the O.S.. Only monotouch events have to be forwarded as mouse events by the O.S..
- Puredata 0.49
- iemguts lib externals
- hcs/screensize external (optional)
- and a special version of hidio . see here https://github.com/jyg/hidio
check you have installed iemguts externals library.
put the hidio.pd_linux file (from hidio folder) into your externals folder. Check if it works by opening hidio-help.pd. (If not, you may have to recompile it. In a terminal inside hidio folder, type ./configure then make).
Open the patch multitouch-help.pd.
follow the 4 steps configuration procedure in the multitouch.settings2.pd window.
That's all...
see this issue #2
17/12/2018 added custom gui modules : vfader, jogzone (pd 0.49)