makes it easy to chain together stream operations.
This library declares a Stream
interface and implementations for finite, infinite sequences, as well as slices.
Convert a Seq or a Slice to a Stream
// Create an infinite stream of values
fibonacci := ez.InfiniteStream(func(yield func(int) bool) {
a := 0
if !yield(a) {
b := 1
for yield(b) {
a, b = b, b+a
// or create a finite stream
oneToTen := ez.FiniteStream(func(yield func(int) bool) {
for i := range 10 {
if !yield(i + 1) {
// or convert a slice to a stream
sliceStream := ez.SliceStream([]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7})
// Pipe stream operations together with the `Pipe` function
intStream := ez.Pipe(fibonacci,
ez.Filter(func(i int) bool { return i > 5 }),
ez.Map(func(i int) int { return i / 2 }),
// Convert from a stream of one type to another
float64Stream := ez.Convert(intStream, func(i int) float64 {
return math.Round(math.Sqrt(float64(i)))
// Collect values into a slice from a Finite Stream.
values := ez.Collect(float64Stream)
// Concatenate several streams together:
concat := ez.Concat(
ez.Pipe(fibonacci, ez.Take[int](10)),
// Reduce a stream to a single value
sum := ez.Reduce(concat, 0, func(acc int, v int) int { return acc + v })