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Junge Piraten Hamburg

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  1. Junge-Piraten-Hamburg-Flyer Junge-Piraten-Hamburg-Flyer Public


  2. LGSStatus LGSStatus Public

    Tracking of the Hamburger Branch Office of the Pirate Party. Basically tweets if it's open for visit or closed. Though its future is manifold. All with the help of a Raspberry Pi, an Arduino and a …

    Python 3 1

  3. streaming streaming Public

    Our scripts for the Young Pirates streaming platform. Worked well at BMV13.

    Python 2 1

  4. legalisiert-es legalisiert-es Public

    Forked from LilithWittmann/legalisiert-es

    Eine Aktion der Jungen Piraten, um Bewusstsein zu schaffen, dass Drogenliberalisierung aus unserer Sicht der bessere Weg ist.

    CSS 1

  5. jupiseatic jupiseatic Public

    Wordpress theme for regional young pirates websites



Showing 5 of 5 repositories
  • legalisiert-es Public Forked from LilithWittmann/legalisiert-es

    Eine Aktion der Jungen Piraten, um Bewusstsein zu schaffen, dass Drogenliberalisierung aus unserer Sicht der bessere Weg ist.

    CSS 1 1 10 0 Updated Jul 20, 2014
  • LGSStatus Public

    Tracking of the Hamburger Branch Office of the Pirate Party. Basically tweets if it's open for visit or closed. Though its future is manifold. All with the help of a Raspberry Pi, an Arduino and a Webserver running a Python-based bottle Web Application.

    Python 3 1 6 0 Updated Sep 5, 2013
  • streaming Public

    Our scripts for the Young Pirates streaming platform. Worked well at BMV13.

    Python 2 1 0 0 Updated Feb 6, 2013
  • jupiseatic Public

    Wordpress theme for regional young pirates websites

    PHP 0 0 0 0 Updated Oct 7, 2012
  • 3 0 0 0 Updated Apr 5, 2012