Terminal-based Twitter Client with Streaming API support. Only supports Ruby 1.9 and later.
Homepage: https://github.com/jugyo/earthquake
Twitter: http://twitter.com/earthquakegem
Changelog'd: earthquake: Twitter terminal client with streaming API support
Demo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2KtBGrIe5c
Slide: http://www.slideshare.net/jugyo/earthquakegem
We need patches that fix the english of the documentation!
- Use Twitter entirely in your Terminal.
- Receive data in real time with Streaming API.
- Easily extend using Ruby.
Quick-installation using Docker (http://docker.io)
Just clone the repo and:
$ docker build -t earthquake . --build-arg TZ='Asia/Tokyo'
$ docker run --rm -v $HOME/.earthquake:/root/.earthquake -it earthquake
Launch with options:
$ docker run -v $HOME/.earthquake:/root/.earthquake -it earthquake --no-stream --no-logo
You'll need openssl and readline support with your 1.9.2. If you are using rvm you can run:
$ rvm pkg install openssl
$ rvm pkg install readline
$ rvm remove 1.9.2
$ rvm install 1.9.2 --with-openssl-dir=$HOME/.rvm/usr \
Then install the gem:
$ gem install earthquake
Ubuntu: EventMachine needs the package libssl-dev.
$ sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
$ earthquake
⚡ :help
⚡ Hello World!
⚡ $xx
$xx is the alias of tweet id.
⚡ $xx hi!
⚡ :delete $xx
⚡ :retweet $xx
⚡ :recent
⚡ :recent jugyo
⚡ :recent yugui/ruby-committers
⚡ :search #ruby
⚡ :eval Time.now
⚡ :exit
⚡ :reconnect
⚡ :restart
⚡ :thread $xx
⚡ :plugin_install https://gist.github.com/899506
⚡ :alias :rt :retweet
⚡ :update[ENTER]
[input EOF (e.g. Ctrl+D) at the last]
# permanently
⚡ :eval config[:raw_text] = true
# temporarily(with :status, :recent or :thread etc...)
⚡ :aa :status $aa
# keywords
⚡ :filter keyword earthquakegem twitter
# users
⚡ :filter user jugyo matsuu
# return to normal user stream
⚡ :filter off
# All config
⚡ :config
# config for :key
⚡ :config key
# set config for :key to (evaluated) value
⚡ :config key 1 + 1
:key => 2
⚡ :config key {foo: 1, bar: 2}
:key => {
:foo => 1,
:bar => 2
# merge new config if both are Hash
⚡ :config key {bar: 3}
:key => {
:foo => 1,
:bar => 3
And more!
The default earthquake directory is ~/.earthquake.
The config file is ~/.earthquake/config.
You can change the directory at launch by entering a directory as an argument. For example:
$ earthquake ~/.earthquake_foo
# ~/.earthquake/config
# For example, to exclude blue:
Earthquake.config[:colors] = (31..36).to_a - [34]
# ~/.earthquake/config
Earthquake.config[:color] = {
:info => 34,
:notice => 41,
:event => 46,
:url => [4, 34]
# ~/.earthquake/config
Earthquake.config[:api] = {
:method => 'POST',
:host => 'stream.twitter.com',
:path => '/1/statuses/filter.json',
:ssl => true,
:filters => %w(Twitter Earthquake)
# ~/.earthquake/config
Earthquake.config[:api] = {
:method => 'POST',
:host => 'stream.twitter.com',
:path => '/1/statuses/filter.json',
:ssl => true,
:params => {
:follow => '6253282,183709371' # @twitterapi @sitestreams
# ~/.earthquake/config
Earthquake.alias_command :rt, :retweet
# ~/.earthquake/config
Earthquake.config[:confirm_type] = :n
Please set environment variable http_proxy if you want earthquake to use an http proxy.
To enable desktop notifications, install one of the following:
- ruby-growl (gem install ruby-growl)
- growlnotify (http://growl.info/extras.php#growlnotify)
- notify-send (sudo aptitude install libnotify-bin)
- libnotify (https://github.com/splattael/libnotify)
Call Earthquake.notify for desktop notification. You can try it by using the :eval command:
⚡ :eval notify 'Hello World!'
See https://github.com/jugyo/earthquake/wiki
~/.earthquake/plugin is the directory for plugins. At launch, Earthquake tries to load files under this directory. The block that is specified for Earthquake.init will be reloaded at any command line input.
Earthquake.init do
command :foo do
puts "foo!"
Earthquake.init do
command :hi do |m|
puts "Hi #{m[1]}!"
'm' is a http://www.ruby-doc.org/core/classes/MatchData.html object.
Earthquake.init do
# Usage: :add 10 20
command %r|^:add (\d+)\s+(\d+)|, :as => :add do |m|
puts m[1].to_i + m[2].to_i
Earthquake.init do
output do |item|
next unless item["_stream"]
if item["text"] =~ /ruby/i
notify "#{item["user"]["screen_name"]}: #{item["text"]}"
Earthquake.init do
output do |item|
case item["event"]
when "favorite"
notify "[favorite] #{item["source"]["screen_name"]} => #{item["target"]["screen_name"]} : #{item["target_object"]["text"]}"
Earthquake.init do
output_filter do |item|
if item["_stream"] && item["text"]
item["text"] =~ /ruby/i
Earthquake.init do
output :tweet do |item|
next unless item["text"]
name = item["user"]["screen_name"]
puts "#{name.c(color_of(name))}: foo"
Earthquake.init do
completion do |text|
['jugyo', 'earthquake', '#eqrb'].grep(/^#{Regexp.quote(text)}/)
- mark my tweet
- Earthquake should parse ARGV
- ruby1.9nize
- guideline for plugin
- deal proxy
- spec
Copyright (c) 2011 jugyo. See LICENSE.txt for further details.