A memoizing pure lambda calculus interpreter in Go with only two builtins:
- takes a Church-encoded numeral and writes the corresponding byte to the configured output stream.READ_BYTE
- returns a Church-encoded pair value, where the first element is a Church-encoded boolean about whether or not any data was read, and the second element is a Church-encoded numeral representing the byte that was read if successful, and 0 otherwise. The only reason no data was read was if EOF was reached. Other errors stop execution.
When run in output
goes to stdout
from stdin
. If you use the sheepda library from your own Go program instead,
you can configure input and output to be any io.Writer
or io.Reader
, in
addition to defining your own builtins.
- In-browser web playground! (courtesy of GopherJS)
- Lambda calculus documentation and how to write fizz buzz
- Go library documentation for sheepda
- Standard prelude - a sort of standard library, built in lambda calculus
cd $(mktemp -d)
GOPATH=$(pwd) go get github.com/jtolio/sheepda/bin/sheepda
bin/sheepda output src/github.com/jtolio/sheepda/interview-probs/{prelude,hello-world}.shp
Usage: bin/sheepda [-a] <parsed|output|result> <file1.shp> [<file2.shp> ...]
-a if provided, skip assignments when pretty-printing in parsed mode
Check out interview-probs and especially prelude.shp for how some abstraction towers can be built up for solving common whiteboard problems in pure lambda calculus.
Here is Fizzbuzz in pure lambda calculus with only PRINT_BYTE
added. Much of
the definition is building up supporting structures like lists and numbers and
((λfizzbuzz.(fizzbuzz (((num 1) 0) 0))) λn.((for n) λi.((do2 (((if (zero?
((% i) 3))) λ_.(((if (zero? ((% i) 5))) λ_.(print-list fizzbuzzmsg)) λ_.
(print-list fizzmsg))) λ_.(((if (zero? ((% i) 5))) λ_.(print-list buzzmsg))
λ_.(print-list (itoa i))))) (print-newline nil))))) ((cons (((num 0) 7) 0))
((cons (((num 1) 0) 5)) ((cons (((num 1) 2) 2)) ((cons (((num 1) 2) 2)) ((cons
(((num 0) 9) 8)) ((cons (((num 1) 1) 7)) ((cons (((num 1) 2) 2)) ((cons (((num
1) 2) 2)) nil)))))))))) ((cons (((num 0) 6) 6)) ((cons (((num 1) 1) 7)) ((cons
(((num 1) 2) 2)) ((cons (((num 1) 2) 2)) nil)))))) ((cons (((num 0) 7) 0))
((cons (((num 1) 0) 5)) ((cons (((num 1) 2) 2)) ((cons (((num 1) 2) 2))
nil)))))) λn.(((Y λrecurse.λn.λresult.(((if (zero? n)) λ_.(((if (nil? result))
λ_.((cons zero-byte) nil)) λ_.result)) λ_.((recurse ((/ n) 10)) ((cons
((+ zero-byte) ((% n) 10))) result)))) n) nil))) (((num 0) 4) 8))) λ_.
(print-byte (((num 0) 1) 0)))) (Y λrecurse.λl.(((if (nil? l)) λ_.void) λ_.
((do2 (print-byte (car l))) (recurse (cdr l))))))) PRINT_BYTE)) λn.λf.((((Y
λrecurse.λremaining.λcurrent.λf.(((if (zero? remaining)) λ_.void) λ_.((do2 (f
current)) (((recurse (pred remaining)) (succ current)) f)))) n) 0) f))) λa.λb.
b)) λl.(pair-second (pair-second l)))) λl.(pair-first (pair-second l)))) λe.λl.
((make-pair true) ((make-pair e) l)))) λl.(not (pair-first l)))) ((make-pair
false) void))) λm.λn.((- m) ((* ((/ m) n)) n)))) (Y λ/.λm.λn.(((if ((eq? m) n))
λ_.1) λ_.(((if (zero? ((- m) n))) λ_.0) λ_.((+ 1) ((/ ((- m) n)) n))))))) λm.
λn.((and (zero? ((- m) n))) (zero? ((- n) m))))) λm.λn.((n pred) m))) λn.
((((λn.λf.λx.(pair-second ((n λp.((make-pair (f (pair-first p))) (pair-first
p))) ((make-pair x) x)))) n) succ) 0))) λn.((n λ_.false) true))) λp.(p false)))
λp.(p true))) λx.λy.λt.((t x) y))) λa.λb.((a b) false))) λp.λt.λf.((p f) t)))
λp.λa.λb.(((p a) b) void))) λt.λf.f)) λt.λf.t)) λa.λb.λc.((+ ((+ ((* ((* 10)
10)) a)) ((* 10) b))) c))) (succ 9))) (succ 8))) (succ 7))) (succ 6))) (succ
5))) (succ 4))) (succ 3))) (succ 2))) (succ 1))) (succ 0))) λm.λn.λx.(m (n
x)))) λm.λn.λf.λx.((((m succ) n) f) x))) λn.λf.λx.(f ((n f) x)))) λf.λx.x))
λx.(U U))) (U λh.λf.(f λx.(((h h) f) x))))) λf.(f f))
Formatted and without dependent subproblems:
fizzbuzz = λn.
(for n λi.
(if (zero? (% i 3))
λ_. (if (zero? (% i 5))
λ_. (print-list fizzbuzzmsg)
λ_. (print-list fizzmsg))
λ_. (if (zero? (% i 5))
λ_. (print-list buzzmsg)
λ_. (print-list (itoa i))))
(print-newline nil)))
<expr> ::= <variable>
| `λ` <variable> `.` <expr>
| `(` <expr> <expr> `)`
Note that the backslash character \
can be used instead of the lambda
character λ
Two forms of syntax sugar are understood by the parser.
Every valid lambda calculus program consists of exactly one expression, but this doesn't lend itself to easy construction. So, before the main expression, if
<variable> `=` <expr>
is encountered, it is turned into a function call application to define the variable, like so:
`(` `λ` <variable> `.` <rest> <expr> `)`
true = λx.λy.x
(true a b)
is turned into
(λtrue.(true a b) λx.λy.x)
Every valid program is therefore a list of zero or more assignments followed by a single expression.
If more than one argument is encountered, it is assumed to be curried. For example, instead of chaining arguments like this:
((((f a1) a2) a3) a4)
you can instead use the form:
(f a1 a2 a3 a4)
Copyright (C) 2017 JT Olds. See LICENSE for copying information.