ob-zig.el provides Org Babel support for the Zig programming language. Org Babel allows you to interactively edit and execute source code for many different languages in the same document.
This implementation mostly follows ob-C.el, which provides org-babel support for the C/C++/D languages.
- A recent zig compiler that is installed on the exec PATH. Download Zig.
- org-mode/org-babel - these packages come installed with most recent emacs.
It is also nice to have zig-mode installed for working with zig source:
- zig-mode.el Download zig-mode
git clone https://github.com/jolby/ob-zig.el.git
(add-to-list 'load-path "/home/path-to-where-you-checked-out-ob-zig/")
At this point, you should be able to interactively execute zig source blocks in org mode documents.
See the file ob-zig-test.org for examples of zig code blocks. If you place your
cursor within the code blocks you can compile and execute using the key chord:
C-c C-c
You can also view the expanded source code block with the key chord: C-c
C-v C-v
Here is an example of a zig code block within an org-mode document:
#+source: simple
#+begin_src zig :imports '(std)
const stdout = std.io.getStdOut().writer();
try stdout.print("{s}", .{"hello"});
If you place the cursor somewhere within the above code block, and then press
the key chord: C-c C-c
, emacs will execute that zig source code and insert the
result below:
Read the documentation of Org Babel for more examples of what you can do with source code blocks of many different languages.
ob-zig.el has a test suite that works with the ERT (Emacs Lisp Regression Testing) and org-test framework that comes with emacs. The directory containing org-test.el needs to be on the load path. In most cases this will be the “testing” directory under the root of the main org package on your system. On my doom-emacs setup, I needed to do this to get org-test on the load path:
(add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "straight/repos/org/testing" doom-local-dir))
The file test-ob-zig-runner.el has some utility functions for setting up paths
and running the ERT test suite. It should be sufficient to load that file and
then call the interactive function: M-x test-ob-zig-run-tests