date-fns pipes for Angular applications.
- Requirememnts
- Installation
- Issues / feature requests
- Basic Usage
- Working with locales
- Pure or impure?
- Available pipes 📚
- Utils
The latest version of this library requires:
- date-fns
= v4.x.x
. - Angular
>= v17.0.0
npm install --save date-fns
npm install --save ngx-date-fns
npm install --save [email protected]
npm install --save [email protected]
- [email protected] docs
npm install --save [email protected]
npm install --save [email protected]
- [email protected] docs
⚠️ There's a range of date-fns versions for which tree shaking is broken, so we recommend that you either installv2.16.1
or>= v2.21.1
npm install --save [email protected]
npm install --save [email protected]
- [email protected] docs
This library has been around for more than 8 years and is largely complete, so don’t expect frequent new releases. If you notice missing functionality or encounter a bug, though, don’t hesitate to visit and open an issue!
import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { bootstrapApplication } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import 'zone.js';
import { es } from 'date-fns/locale';
import { DateFnsModule } from 'ngx-date-fns';
selector: 'app-root',
standalone: true,
imports: [CommonModule, DateFnsModule],
template: `
<p>{{ dateOne | dfnsFormat: 'MM/dd/yyyy' }}</p>
<p>{{ [dateOne, dateTwo] | dfnsMin | dfnsFormat: 'EEE LLLL d yyyy' }}</p>
{{ [dateOne, dateTwo] | dfnsMax | dfnsFormat: 'EEE LLLL d yyyy' }}
{{ dateThree | dfnsFormatDistanceToNow: options }} - (Explicit 'es'
<p>{{ 0 | dfnsWeekdayName: 'full':options }} - (Explicit 'es' locale)</p>
'12 de Marzo'
| dfnsParse: parseFormat:parseDate:parseLocale
| dfnsFormat: 'MM/dd/yyyy'
export class App {
dateOne = new Date(2016, 0, 1);
dateTwo = new Date(2017, 0, 1);
dateThree: Date;
options = {
locale: es,
addSuffix: true
parseDate = new Date(2010, 0, 1);
parseFormat = `do 'de' MMMM`;
parseLocale = { locale: es };
constructor() {
this.dateThree = new Date();
this.dateThree.setDate(this.dateThree.getDate() - 6);
The output:
Fri January 1 2016
Sun January 1 2017
hace 6 días - (Explicit 'es' locale)
lunes - (Explicit 'es' locale)
All locale-aware pipes use English by default.
Instead of passing the locale to each pipe via options
you can set it globally in one single step by overriding the default DateFnsConfiguration
// app.config.ts
import { ApplicationConfig } from '@angular/core';
import { DateFnsConfigurationService } from 'ngx-date-fns';
import { fr } from 'date-fns/locale';
const frenchConfig = new DateFnsConfigurationService();
export const appConfig: ApplicationConfig = {
providers: [{ provide: DateFnsConfigurationService, useValue: frenchConfig }]
// main.ts
import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { bootstrapApplication } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import 'zone.js';
import { es } from 'date-fns/locale';
import { DateFnsModule } from 'ngx-date-fns';
import { appConfig } from './app.config';
selector: 'app-root',
standalone: true,
imports: [CommonModule, DateFnsModule],
template: `
export class App {
// (...)
bootstrapApplication(App, appConfig).catch(err => console.error(err));
It is also possible to change the default locale at runtime:
import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { bootstrapApplication } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import 'zone.js';
import { es, de } from 'date-fns/locale';
import { DateFnsConfigurationService, DateFnsModule } from 'ngx-date-fns';
selector: 'app-root',
standalone: true,
imports: [CommonModule, DateFnsModule],
template: `
<p>{{ dateOne | dfnsFormat: 'EEE LLLL d yyyy' }}</p>
<hr />
Set default locale to: <a href="#" (click)="changeToGerman()">German</a>,
<a href="#" (click)="changeToSpanish()">Spanish</a>.
export class App {
dateOne = new Date(2016, 0, 1);
constructor(public config: DateFnsConfigurationService) {}
changeToGerman() {
changeToSpanish() {
Should I use the pure or impure version of the locale-aware pipes?
The answer is quite simple:
- Do you set the locale only once when the application starts?
- Use only pure pipes.
- Do you need to change the locale at runtime?
- Use impure pipes.
The main difference is that pure pipes do not get notified when the locale is changed via DateFnsConfiguration.setLocale(locale: Locale)
, because the instance is not kept in memory. Impure pipes, on the other hand, are kept in memory and listen for Locale change notifications, which adds some memory and performance overhead.
All pipes are pure unless stated otherwise.
invalid Dates will return an empty string instead of throwing an exception.
- dfnsFormat (impure)
- dfnsFormatRelative (impure)
- dfnsFormatDistance (impure)
- dfnsFormatDistanceStrict (impure)
- dfnsFormatDistanceToNow (impure)
- dfnsFormatDistanceToNowStrict (impure)
- dfnsFormatDuration (impure)
- dfnsGetOverlappingDaysInIntervals
- dfnsGetTime
- dfnsGetMilliseconds
- dfnsGetSeconds
- dfnsGetMinutes
- dfnsGetHours
- dfnsGetDate
- dfnsGetDayOfYear
- dfnsGetDay
- dfnsGetISODay
- dfnsGetISOWeek
- dfnsGetDaysInMonth
- dfnsGetMonth
- dfnsGetQuarter
- dfnsGetDaysInYear
- dfnsGetYear
- dfnsGetISOWeeksInYear
- dfnsGetISOWeekYear
- dfnsGetUnixTime
- dfnsGetWeek (impure)
- dfnsGetWeekOfMonth (impure)
- dfnsGetWeeksInMonth (impure)
- dfnsGetDecade
- dfnsGetWeekYear (impure)
- dfnsDifferenceInMilliseconds
- dfnsDifferenceInSeconds
- dfnsDifferenceInMinutes
- dfnsDifferenceInHours
- dfnsDifferenceInCalendarDays
- dfnsDifferenceInBusinessDays
- dfnsDifferenceInDays
- dfnsDifferenceInCalendarWeeks
- dfnsDifferenceInWeeks
- dfnsDifferenceInCalendarISOWeeks
- dfnsDifferenceInCalendarMonths
- dfnsDifferenceInMonths
- dfnsDifferenceInCalendarQuarters
- dfnsDifferenceInQuarters
- dfnsDifferenceInCalendarYears
- dfnsDifferenceInYears
- dfnsDifferenceInCalendarISOWeekYears
- dfnsDifferenceInISOWeekYears
- dfnsAddMilliseconds
- dfnsAddSeconds
- dfnsAddMinutes
- dfnsAddHours
- dfnsAddBusinessDays
- dfnsAddDays
- dfnsAddWeeks
- dfnsAddMonths
- dfnsAddQuarters
- dfnsAddYears
- dfnsAddISOWeekYears
- dfnsSubMilliseconds
- dfnsSubSeconds
- dfnsSubMinutes
- dfnsSubHours
- dfnsSubDays
- dfnsSubWeeks
- dfnsSubMonths
- dfnsSubQuarters
- dfnsSubYears
- dfnsSubISOWeekYears
- dfnsEndOfSecond
- dfnsEndOfMinute
- dfnsEndOfHour
- dfnsEndOfDay
- dfnsEndOfToday
- dfnsEndOfTomorrow
- dfnsEndOfYesterday
- dfnsEndOfWeek
- dfnsEndOfISOWeek
- dfnsEndOfMonth
- dfnsEndOfQuarter
- dfnsEndOfYear
- dfnsEndOfISOWeekYear
- dfnsStartOfSecond
- dfnsStartOfMinute
- dfnsStartOfHour
- dfnsStartOfDay
- dfnsStartOfToday
- dfnsStartOfTomorrow
- dfnsStartOfYesterday
- dfnsStartOfWeek (impure)
- dfnsStartOfISOWeek
- dfnsStartOfMonth
- dfnsStartOfQuarter
- dfnsStartOfYear
- dfnsStartOfISOWeekYear
- dfnsStartOfDecade
- dfnsStartOfWeekYear (impure)
- dfnsLastDayOfWeek (impure)
- dfnsLastDayOfISOWeek
- dfnsLastDayOfMonth
- dfnsLastDayOfQuarter
- dfnsLastDayOfYear
- dfnsLastDayOfISOWeekYear
- dfnsLastDayOfDecade
- dfnsIsAfter
- dfnsIsBefore
- dfnsIsDate
- dfnsIsEqual
- dfnsIsFuture
- dfnsIsPast
- dfnsIsValid
- dfnsIsToday
- dfnsIsWeekend
- dfnsIsSameMonth
- dfnsIsSameYear
- dfnsIsExists
- dfnsIsFirstDayOfMonth
- dfnsIsFriday
- dfnsIsLastDayOfMonth
- dfnsIsLeapYear
- dfnsIsMatch (impure)
- dfnsIsMonday
- dfnsIsSameDay
- dfnsIsSameHour
- dfnsIsSameISOWeekYear
- dfnsIsSameISOWeek
- dfnsIsSameMinute
- dfnsIsSameMonth
- dfnsIsSameQuarter
- dfnsIsSameSecond
- dfnsIsSameWeek
- dfnsIsSameYear
- dfnsIsSaturday
- dfnsIsSunday
- dfnsIsThisHour
- dfnsIsThisISOWeek
- dfnsIsThisMinute
- dfnsIsThisMonth
- dfnsIsThisQuarter
- dfnsIsThisSecond
- dfnsIsThisWeek (impure)
- dfnsIsThisYear
- dfnsIsThursday
- dfnsIsToday
- dfnsIsTomorrow
- dfnsIsTuesday
- dfnsIsWednesday
- dfnsIsWithinInterval
- dfnsIsYesterday
A collection of utilities built around date-fns functions.
This pipe is (impure), but there's the pure version
Same as dfnsFormatRelative
but the date to comapre against is always
This pipe is (impure)
Given a weekday number, returns its name.
Optional weekday format. Allowed values are:
: One char. 'M' for Monday.x2
: Two chars. 'Mo' for Monday.x3
: Three chars. 'Mon' for Monday.full
: Full weekday name. 'Monday' for Monday.
Defaults to full
Optional date-fns Locale
Optional locale object.
<!-- Prints Monday -->
{{ 0 | dfnsWeekdayName }}
<!-- Prints Mon -->
{{ 0 | dfnsWeekdayName : 'x3' }}