Quirky is a Qwirkle board game clone built with node.js and jQuery. It is not mobile, tablet, or IE friendly yet.
Presentation about Quirky from a Nova Node meetup
- Game Lobby:
install with npm:
$ npm install quirky
run the game server:
$ npm start quirky
... then go to http://localhost:8010 and play! Optionally, you can change the default http port:
$ npm config set quirky:port <port>
- thirdparty/jquery.min.js (http://jquery.com/)
- thirdparty/jquery-ui.min.js (http://jqueryui.com/)
- thirdparty/jquery.cookie.js (https://github.com/carhartl/jquery-cookie)
- thirdparty/normalize.css (http://necolas.github.com/normalize.css/)
- media/light_noise_diagonal.png from http://subtlepatterns.com
- media/dark_wood.png from http://subtlepatterns.com
- Open Sans and Chango from Google Web Fonts
Copyright (C) 2012 Juan Lasheras (http://www.juanl.org).
Licensed under GPL, see COPYING.txt for details.
Quirky includes some third party libraries and media, see thirdparty/ and media/ for license information on these.
Send any questions or comments here.