HIP allows developers to convert CUDA code to portable C++. The same source code can be compiled to run on NVIDIA or AMD GPUs. Key features include:
- HIP is very thin and has little or no performance impact over coding directly in CUDA or hcc "HC" mode.
- HIP allows coding in a single-source C++ programming language including features such as templates, C++11 lambdas, classes, namespaces, and more.
- HIP allows developers to use the "best" development environment and tools on each target platform.
- The "hipify" tool automatically converts source from CUDA to HIP.
- Developers can specialize for the platform (CUDA or hcc) to tune for performance or handle tricky cases
New projects can be developed directly in the portable HIP C++ language and can run on either NVIDIA or AMD platforms. Additionally, HIP provides porting tools which make it easy to port existing CUDA codes to the HIP layer, with no loss of performance as compared to the original CUDA application. HIP is not intended to be a drop-in replacement for CUDA, and developers should expect to do some manual coding and performance tuning work to complete the port.
- Installation and clang-hipify
- HIP Kernel Language
- HIP Runtime API (Doxygen)
- HIP Porting Guide
- HIP Terminology (including Rosetta Stone of GPU computing terms across CUDA/HIP/HC/AMP/OpenL)
- Developer/CONTRIBUTING Info
- Release Notes
See the Installation notes.
- A sample and blog that uses hipify to convert a simple app from CUDA to HIP:
cd samples/01_Intro/square
# follow README / blog steps to hipify the application.
- A sample and blog demonstrating platform specialization:
cd samples/01_Intro/bit_extract
- Guide to Porting a New Cuda Project
The GitHub repot HIP-Examples contains a hipified vesion of the popular Rodinia benchmark suite. The README with the procedures and tips the team used during this porting effort is here: Rodinia Porting Guide
- hip_runtime_api.h : Defines HIP runtime APIs and can be compiled with many standard Linux compilers (hcc, GCC, ICC, CLANG, etc), in either C or C++ mode.
- hip_runtime.h : Includes everything in hip_runtime_api.h PLUS hipLaunchKernel and syntax for writing device kernels and device functions. hip_runtime.h can only be compiled with hcc.
- hcc_detail/** , nvcc_detail/** : Implementation details for specific platforms. HIP applications should not include these files directly.
- hcc.h : Includes interop APIs for HIP and HCC
bin: Tools and scripts to help with hip porting
- hipify : Tool to convert CUDA code to portable CPP. Converts CUDA APIs and kernel builtins.
- hipcc : Compiler driver that can be used to replace nvcc in existing CUDA code. hipcc ill call nvcc or hcc depending on platform, and include appropriate platform-specific headers and libraries.
- hipconfig : Print HIP configuration (HIP_PATH, HIP_PLATFORM, CXX config flags, etc)
- hipexamine.sh : Script to scan directory, find all code, and report statistics on how much can be ported with HIP (and identify likely features not yet supported)
doc: Documentation - markdown and doxygen info
Use the [GitHub issue tracker] (https://github.com/GPUOpen-ProfessionalCompute-Tools/HIP/issues). If reporting a bug, include the output of "hipconfig --full" and samples/1_hipInfo/hipInfo (if possible).