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Real-time text formatting tool. Use {command *arguments}>. Example: {ip}> (without args), {randomize 2 9}> (2 args). Type {help}> to see all commands.

Built-in commands

repeat <n> <text> - repeat text n times

randomize <num1> <num2> - random between 2 numbers

summarize <num1 num2 num3....> - sum numbers

uppercase <text> - make CAPS

erase - cleans text field

count <text> - count words in text

info - information about programm

ip - get your ip adress

help - liss of all commands include module commands

Writing custom scripts

Write function what you need. Do not forget about errors handling. Function must always return string.

def ip():
        url = ""
        with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as response:
            data =
            json_data = json.loads(data)
            ip = json_data.get("ip", "Not found")
            country = json_data.get("country", "Not found")
            return f"IP: {ip}, {country}"
    except Exception as e:
        return str(e)

At the end of the file, include the commands in the script and add the author's name (optional):

    "ip": ip,

AUTHOR = "name"

Your module will be named like file.