A Modular, Academic Curriculum Vitae/Résumé template in XeTeX
Most LaTeX Curriculum Vitae/Résumé template provide well formatted sections and entry macros to create CV/resumes with fancy looking. However, the content and styles are highly coupled. If one need to create different CV/resumes for different purpose, he has to do many modifications.
This template attempts to be modular. Users can write their profiles such as education, work experience, and publications independently and create CV/resumes from these profiles efficiently.
We require XeTeX for CJK font support and BibTex for publication and citation support.
Simply modify the example cv.tex file and the personal information in the tex files in content folder.
The main tex file in the example is cv.tex. It structure is simply
% input tex files in content folder
\makecvheader % create header and footer
\section{education} % make education section
% make other sections
We can quickly change the content to display in this file. All details are defined in tex files in content folder.
Each file in the content folder use macros like \newXXX{key}{val1, val2, ... , valn}
to define personal information.
It defines the basic information for the header to display.
\role{your title}
\address{your address}
\email{[email protected]}
% The following are optional
% https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=XXXXXX
\googlescholar{XXXXXX}{your name}
% https://github.com/xxx
% any social link you expect to add
Create a new education record in the content tex files
{Ph.D.}, % commas are important
{Computer Science},
{Tsinghua University},
{Department of Computer Science and Technology},
{Beijing, China},
{Sep. 2015},
{June 2020},
{Your advisor} % optional
Display educations in main tex file
Create a research project record in the content tex files
{Project name},
{Describe what the project aims to solve},
{highlight one},
{highlight two}
{papercitation1, papercitation2}, % citations of papers in the project
{ASPLOS, MICRO}, % top conference/journals the paper belongs
{Tsinghua University} % affiliation
Display research experience in the main tex file
Create a work experience in the content tex files
{company name},
{role in the company},
{location of the work},
{June 2019},
{Sep. 2019},
{Duty1 in the company},
{Duty2 in the company}
{Achievement1 in the company},
{Achievement2 in the company}
Display work experience in the main tex file
Create a teaching experience in the content tex files
{Course name},
{Teaching Assistant},
{Tsinghua University},
{Fall}, % quater
Display teaching experience in the main tex file
Create an award record in the content tex files
{XXX Award},
{Agency give you the award},
{Brief introduction of the award},
Display awards in the main tex file
This is the most complicated part. Publication has different types, we support conference
, journal
, workshop
, poster
, underreview
, workinprogress
, and patent
Each one has a citation key that can be cited in any place of the CV.
Poster and workshop is the same as confernece, but the macro names are \newPoster
and \newWorkshop
{Title of the paper}
{Author1, \makeme{Your name}, Author3}
{International Conference on XX}
{ICXX} % abbr of the conference
{2019}{3} % year and month
{Title of the paper}
{Author1, \makeme{Your name}, Author3}
{Journal Name}
{JXX} % abbr of the journal
{2019}{2} % year and month
{18}{1}{38--42} % volumn, issue, page number
Work in Progress is the same as Under Review but the macro name is \newWorkInProgress
{Title of the paper}
{Author1, \makeme{Your name}, Author3}
{Conference or journal full name}
{Abbr} % abbr of the conference or journal
{2020} % year
{Title of the paper}
{Author1, \makeme{Your name}, Author3}
{patent number}
{2016}{x}{xx} % priority date
{2019}{x}{xx} % grant date (optional if not yet)
The <filter>
is a boolean expression to check if a publication record should be displayed here. For example, to display official publications (conference and journal papers)
\OR \equal{\pubtype}{journal}
The \pubtype
is a property of a publication record. Available properties are listed as follows
: one ofconference
, andworkinprogress
: citation key\pubtitle
: publication title\pubauhtors
: comma separated author list\pubbooktitle
: conference, journal full name or patent id.\pubabbr
: abbreviation of the conference or journal (not avaiable for patent)\pubyear
: publication year (patent priority date)\pubmonth
: publication month\pubday
: publication day of the month\pubvolumn
: volumn for journal\pubnumber
: issue number for journal\pubpages
: page numbers for journal\grantyear
: grant year for patent\grantmonth
: grant month for patent\grantday
: grant day of the month for patent
The \makePublication
can be called many times to separate different publications in different sections. It will omit those that displayed before and their numbers are continues.
Use \cite{<key>}
to cite the publications anywhere in the CV as usual. The corresponding publication record must be displayed by one \makePublication
Curriculum Vitae/Résumés contain a header
, footer
, and many section
s or subsections
. Each section/subsection contains many components
. There are several kinds of components
. Each of them has many formatted texts.
All these components composed of a BoundingBox
that defines its padding and a Style
that defines the font size, color, fontshape, prefix/surfix of the text. Each component that contains sub-components also need to organize the position of the sub-components.
Moreover, the contents of a CV/Resume usually contains contents such as Education
, Work Experience
. This contents are displayed using the sections
and components
Thus, we first develop a core
library to provide a flexible way of defining component
library that contains the definition header
, footer
, section
, subsection
, and different kind of components
Then, we can further define a format
library to define how to store different kind of contents and how to display them with component
Next, users can define their information with the format
library. These information can be reused for different CV/resumes.
Finally, users can write the main tex file that defines which contents to be displayed.
The modularcv.cls contains the definition of core
library, the component
library, and utilities.
The styles of components are defined in style file in style folder. The style we implement is awesome style, which highly reference the Awesome-CV project.
The format
libraries are defined in format folder. Developers can easily add new custom formats in this folder.
The core
library are all in modularcv.cls
. It defines the basic settings such as layout, color management, and font management. It also defines some data structures to create new components more easily.
Colors are managed by xcolor
We use normal
, light
, lighter
, and theme
as four basic colors.
is the default color
We use fontspec
as the backend and define a more easy to use interface as color management
Then we can use \<name>
to apply the font for a specific content
We can also define the default font by
\setdefaultfontfamily{<name>} % default roman font
\setdefaultsansfamily{<name>} % default sans font
User can switch between roman font and sans font by
The map
and sheet
are collection data structures to manage data more easily and clearly.
store key-value pairs and sheet
also stores key-record pairs. The record contains many values, each value has a corresponding column name.
Developers can develop map
or sheet
by macros
\definesheet{<name>}{<col-name-1>, ... , <col-name-n>}
The macros will create the following macros to access the map
and sheet
% map
\new<name>{<key>}{<value>} % <value> is optional
% sheet
\new<name>{<key>}{<value-1>, ... , <value-n>} % values are optional
\update<name>{<key>}{<value-1>, ... , <value-n>} % set entire record
\set<name>{<key>}{<col-name>}{<value>} % set one item in a record
The \loop<name>{<code>}
is to traverse over the map
or sheet
in order (insertion order) and execute the <code>
. The <code>
can contain \loopk
to refer to the <key>
, \loopi
to refer to the index, and \loopv
to refer to the value.
For sheet
, we use \loopv{<col-name>}
to get the correponding item. \loopbreak
is used to exit the loop.
Note \loopv{<col-name>}
will not be expand first. If you need to use its value for further processing, you can do like the following in <code>
% use \<somename> instead in the <code>
Since \edef
will completely expand the macro, any macros stored in the sheet that do not expect to be expanded should be protected by \noexpand
. For example
\definesheet{Content}{col1, col2}
{some sentence with cite~\noexpand\cite{citekey}},
{other sentence}
Define a style to format a text
\definestyle{<name>} % empty style
Set the style
Apply the style
\<name>style{Hello World}
The properties of a style including the following
- fontsize: font size (e.g. 10pt)
- font: font defined by the style file (e.g. \lightfont)
- fontshape: \bfseries, \scshape, \itshape, or combination of them
- color: one of
or other colors defined by the style file - pre: prefix of the content
- post: postfix of the content
Define a box to set margin of a content
\definebox{<name>}{<mode>, <margin-before>, <margin-after>}
\definebox{<name>} % empty box
Set the box
\updateBox{<name>}{<mode>, <margin-before>, <margin-after>}
Apply the box
\<name>box{Hello world}
The properties of a box including the following
- mode:
for horizontal box andv
for vertical box - margin-before: margin before the content (e.g. 1em)
- margin-after: margin after the content (e.g. 1em)
Show the boxes by add debug option in the class file
All the box will show their boders.
Define a new component displayed in the document
\definecomponent{<name>}{<content>, <style-name>, <box-name>}
Make the component in the document
The components are also defined in modularcv.cls
. It contains cvheader
, footer
, section
, subsection
, and entry
To define the necessary information to create CV header
\role{your title}
\address{your address}
\email{[email protected]}
% The following are optional
% https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=XXXXXX
\googlescholar{XXXXXX}{your name}
% https://github.com/xxx
% any social link you expect to add
These name
, role
, and address
are stored in map BasicInfo
, and the rest are stored in sheet social
. They all has the corresponding component
to display them. The content of cvheader are composed of the \make<name>
of the components.
To create the header
We use fancyhdr to create footer. It requires the title of the file and display in the middle of the footer
To create the title
\section[<icon>]{<title>} % icon is optional
The style
and box
of section and subsection is also named section
and subsection
. We can change the style and margin with them.
\entry{<title>}[<comment>]{<subtitle>}[<comment>] % subtitle and all comments are optional
The default looking of entry is to display <title>
and comment
on the left and right side of the first line and <subtitle>
and <subcomment>
on the second line.
The styles for the four parts are entrytitle
, entrycomment
, entrysubtitle
, entrysubcomment
The box for entry is entry
We define serveral widely used format library in folder format/
Users need to use the correponding package to load
A typical way is to define a sheet to store user data and create a command to create the content to display
key1, key2, ... , keyn
% display each entry
\item xxx
Then user can define their content in a file content/xxx.tex
\useformat{xxx} % equivalent to \usepackage{format/xxx}
val1, val2, ... , valn
And display the content in the document
% contents before
% contents end
Detailed formats can be seen in User Guide.