is a minimal from-scratch OpenColorIO config generator. It has only one dependency: opencolorio
All gamut conversion matrices are calculated from scratch using colorimetry math.
Make sure you have python version 3.7 or greater, then: python3 -m pip install opencolorio
with python. This will launch a very ugly but functional user interface as shown below:
You can
- enter the name of your config and the parent directory you want to save it into
- choose whether you want to create an OCIO v1.0 or an OCIO v2.0 config. 1.0 will use
LUTs for the transfer functions, while 2.0 will try to use built in camera log functions where possible. - select the colorspaces you want added to your config
- choose the reference space (all gamut conversion matrices will be in reference to this colorspace, and all linear roles will be set to this)
- choose the reference log space (all log roles will be set to this, for example
) - click "Generate Config", and edit the result to add your own views.