Finder Toolbar app to open the current directory in the Terminal.
- It's written in objective-c, and uses the scripting bridge so it's fast.
- It's also shell agnostic. Works equally well when your shell is
By Jay Tuley
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To install "cd to" copy to your Applications folder, and then from the applications folder ⌘ drag it into the Finder toolbar or drag from another finder window to toolbar being customized.
To use, just click on the new button and instantly opens a new terminal window.
To turn on feature that identifies automatically opened Terminal windows, and closes them when using cd to.
defaults write cdto-close-default-window -bool true
To change the window scheme for Terminal Windows from default.
Eg. if you wanted cd to windows to be "Red Sands"
defaults write cdto-new-window-setting -string "Red Sands"
Version 3.1.3
- Universal Binary for Apple Silicon and Intel
- Round Corner Icon
Version 3.1
- Restored name to "cd"
- bug fix 3.0 introduced bug for opening windows without selection
- Faster
- Fix Regression: Hide icon in dock
- if package is selected, cd parent directory, if in package cd own directory
- Less entitlements
- Setting to enable feature that closes extra opened windows
- Setting to enable choosing a different terminal theme for opened windows
Version 3.0
- terminal app only supported, no plugins
- rewritten to only use apple events
- Hardened, and Notarized
- works on Mojave (and hopefully Catalina)
Version 2.6
- Fixed bug where get info window interferes
- works on selected folder again
- iTerm 2 plugin update
Version 2.5
- Lion Version
- Use terminal open apple event
- works with tcsh as well as bash
- New Icons
Version 2.3
- Snow Leopard Version
Version 2.2
- Clear Scroll-back on Terminal plugin (Thanks to Marc Liyanage for the original tip)
- Fixed issues with special characters in file path bug that existed for Terminal and iTerm plugin
- iTerm plugin will try to avoid opening two windows on iTerm launch
- Leopard icon
Version 2.1.1
- Fixed bug involving apostrophes in path
- PathFinder plugin (Finder->Pathfinder) contributed by Brian Koponen
Version 2.1
- Plugin archtexture allowing support for other terminals
- Default plugins for iTerm & X11/xterm
- Terminal plugin will try to avoid opening two windows on's launch
Version 2.0 (2005)
- Ported to objective-c using appscript, boosting launch & execution speed
- properly resolves aliases
- no longer shows icon in dock on launch
Version 1.0 (2003)
- targeted Panther OS X 10.3
- was applescript
Pre 1.0 (2001) Really old applescript