- each service defines which objects it publishes or consumes
- these contracts are formatted in human readable markdown
- you never have to check out other services' repositories
Zeta will:
- know the rest of your infrastructure and fetch the contracts of all other services
- alert you if your change breaks the expectactions of other services
In an infrastructure where many services are talking with each other, it's sometimes hard to know how changes in one service affect other services, as each service often just knows about itself. Even if local tests pass, you can't know what other services might be affected when you make changes to a service.
Zeta tackles this problem by allowing each service to define which objects it consumes, and which objects it publishes - in simple Markdown (specifically MSON).It doesn't matter if these objected are transported via a HTTP, a message broker like RabbitMQ or any other mean.
Let's imagine an imaginary chat app that is split up into three independent services that communicate via a message broker:
- MessageService keeps track off storing messages
- SearchService makes your chat history searchable
- NotificationService: sends an email when a private message is received
Each time a message is sent, MessageService publishes the full message to the message broker. While the SearchService is likely interested in the full message with all of its properties to index it probably, the NotificationService might just care about the sender and the receiver of the message, discarding all other properties.
An intern is asked to implement a feature that allows one message to be sent to multiple people at the same time. They go ahead and just change the numerical recepient_id
property of a message to an recipient_ids
array. They run their tests and all looks good.
😱But THE INTERN JUST BROKE THE NOTIFICATION SERVICE because it depends on the recipient_id
property 😱
Wouldn't it be nice of some test local to the MessageService repository to tell the poor intern that removing the recipient_id
property breaks the expectations other services have regarding the MessageService BEFORE the intern hits the red deploy button?
Each service has to contain two files in order for Zeta to do its job:
These are simple markdown files in the wonderful MSON format. Let's look at the contracts dir of MessageService, shall we?
# Message
- id: (number, required)
- sender_id: (number, required)
- recipients: (Array[number], required)
- text: (string, required)
- emoji: (string)
So far so good. This way MessageService can tell the world what exactly it means when a Message
object is published. Much the same, the NotificationService could define which properties of a Message
object from the MessageService
it is actually interested in:
# MessageService::Message
- sender_id: (number, required)
- recipient_id: (number, required)
As you can see, this consumer expects the recipient_id
property to be present when a Message
object is received from MessageService
. While a publish specification just defines objects, a consume specification prefixes the names of objects it consumes with the name of the service publishing the object. As in our example above:
# MessageService::Message
| `---------- object name
`------------------------- service name
Even though it does not matter what programming languages your services are written in, you'll need ruby to run Zeta. To install, add Zeta to your Gemfile
or install it manually:
$ gem install zeta
If you're using ruby on rails, Zeta will automatically know your
environment and look for its configuration in config/zeta.yml
, which could look like this:
common: &common
# This name will be used by other services to identify objects they consume
# from the MessageService
service_name: MessageService
# Which directory contains the publish.mson and consume.mson
contracts_path: contracts
# Where to cache the contracts from all other services that are part of the
# infrastructure. Zeta will fetch these for you.
contracts_cache_path: contracts/.cache
<<: *common
# The services file contains all services that are part of your infrastructure
# and tested with Zeta. It's just another yaml file, but the nice thing is
# that it's outside of the service's repository and has to be maintained only
# in one place.
# The file name to look for
file: 'development.yml'
# You can either host the file yourself via HTTP, but it's quite convenient
# to have it version controlled and hosted by a service like github. We'll
# call this repo zeta-config for this example:
repo: jensmander/zeta-config
branch: master
path: infrastructure
# And here we can adjust things for each environment as needed
<<: *common
You typically just create the above file once in each project and then don't touch it anymore. Whenever a new service gets added to or removed from the infrastructure, you just update the central infrastructure configuration. The what? Central infrastructure configuration? Oh, look:
Here's how the infrastructure configuration file might look for our example above:
[email protected]:jensmander/zeta-config/infrastructure/master.yml
repo: 'jensmander/messages'
branch: 'master'
path: 'contracts'
repo: 'jensmander/search'
branch: 'master'
path: 'contracts'
repo: 'jensmander/notifications'
branch: 'master'
path: 'contracts'
Whenever you add a service to the infrastructure, you just add it to this central file and all existing services will automatically know about your new service.
If your infrastruture configuration file is HTTP Basic auth protected, or in a private repository on github (that would be a good idea), make sure you export ZETA_HTTP_USER=username
and Zeta will use that. If you host on github, then use your github username as ZETA_HTTP_USER
and generate an API token to use as the ZETA_HTTP_PASSWORD
Zeta comes with a zeta
command that takes care of all the things:
Usage: zeta [options] full_check|fetch_remote_contracts|update_own_contracts|validate
Specific options:
-c, --config=CONFIG_FILE Config file (default: config/zeta.yml)
-e, --env=ENVIRONMENT Environment (default: RAILS_ENV, if it is set)
-s, --silent No output, just an appropriate return code
-t, --trace Print exception stack traces
Common options:
-h, --help Show this message
-v, --version Show version
Example time. You can tell Zeta to validate the whole infrastructure like this:
$ zeta -e development full_check
The above command performs the following three steps:
- Fetch all contracts from remote repositories and put them into the cache directory configured above
- Copy the current service's contracts which you might have changed into the contracts cache directory
- Validate all contracts (i.e. make sure that every publishing service satisfies its consumers)
The above commands can also be run in isolation:
$ zeta -e development fetch_contracts
This command will populate the contracts/.cache
directory with the current version of all contracts and then copy over your local changes to your contract. You can then validate your infrastructure like this:
$ zeta -e development validate
If you just made changes to your local contracts, you can copy them over to the cache and validate your infrastructure like this:
$ zeta -e development update_own_contracts validate
Otherwise it will exit with an error and display any contract violations in JSON.
If you use Zeta in ruby, it will automatically know the current service, i.e. the one that it's running in. It will create a singleton Lacerda::Infrastructure
instance from the Lacerda gem, which gives you access to a bunch of interesting functions. If you're using pry, go ahead and do a quick ls Zeta
and you will something like this, likely outdated, list:
[1] pry(main)> ls Zeta
cache_dir current_service validate_object_to_consume
clear_cache env validate_object_to_consume!
config errors validate_object_to_publish
config_file infrastructure validate_object_to_publish!
consume_object update_contracts verbose=
contracts_fulfilled? update_own_contracts
[2] pry(main)>
Each and every one of these goes directly to your instance Lacerda::Infrastructure
, as defined by config/zeta.yml
. Feel free to explore them a bit, but the ones' that might be of most interest are:
Zeta.validate_object_to_publish('Post', data_to_send)
makes sure that the content indata_to_send
conforms to your 'Post' specification in your localpublish.mson
Zeta.consume_object('MessageService::Message', received_data)
will give you an instance of the Blumquist class, which is an obect that has getters for all properties you specified inconsume.mson
If you use these in your servies, they will help keeping the publish and consume specifications in sync with what's actually happening in the code.
Of course you'll want to have your infrastructure checked in CI. If you're using RSpec, we've got you covered. Just place the following lines in, for example, spec/zeta_spec.rb
require_relative 'spec_helper'
# It will try to fetch the contracts from github and it's a bit slow,
# so you probably just want to run this in CI
if ENV['CI']
require 'zeta/rspec/autorun_all'
This will try to guess your credentials and do the same as a zeta -e test full_check
would do on the command line, but reporting to RSpec instead of printing its output directly. Whether or not you run Zeta::RSpec.update_contracts
is up to you - perhaps you have HTTP requests disabled in your test suite, or you don't want to be network dependant for every run. If you remove it, however, make sure you run zeta -e test fetch_remote_contracts
often enough to not be outdated.