Coix (COmbinators In jaX) is a flexible and backend-agnostic implementation of inference combinators (Stites and Zimmermann et al., 2021), a set of program transformations for compositional inference with probabilistic programs. Coix ships with backends for numpyro and oryx, and a set of pre-implemented losses and utility functions that allows to implement and run a wide variety of inference algorithms out-of-the-box.
Coix is a lightweight framework which includes the following main components:
- coix.api: Implementation of the program combinators.
- coix.core: Basic program transformations which are used to modify behavior of a stochastic program.
- coix.loss: Common objectives for variational inference.
- coix.algo: Example inference algorithms.
Currently, we support numpyro and oryx backends. But other backends can be easily added via the coix.register_backend utility.
This is not an officially supported Google product.
To install Coix, you can use pip:
pip install coix
or you can clone the repository:
git clone
cd coix
pip install -e .[dev,doc]
Many examples would run faster on accelerators. You can follow the JAX installation instruction for how to install JAX with GPU or TPU support.